Jubilation Lee: Alpha Class, Part 1

by Piper

Disclaimer: Due to the fact that I don't like the way Penance turned out, in this story she is not Monet St.Croix...just Yvette. Also it deals with the Bastion chronicle since I think it ended to soon, and made Jubilee look like a wimp. So that's my two cents...oh yeah anything X related that sounds familiar belongs ta marvel, and anything else to me...borrow if you must...it's not like I'm going to get any money from 'em.If ya wanna sue---I'm broke, all you'll get are the clothes off my back...and my computer...try to take it and I'll hafta hurt ya. Oh one more thing, Sabretooth is not with X-Force, which I don't read so if he's been long gone or my info is wrong please don't be offended.

P.S. If you like the idea I've used or whatever then feel free to reproduce the atroy and write your own, It'll probally better than mine anywayz. Thanx. Hope you enjoy!

Chapter One

Jubilee was walking in the forest behind the school. She wasn't sure why, just that she was in a bad mood and would rather not be around the other's. She liked being outdoors, away from everyone. Out here reminded her of Wolvy. She did miss him, but she had learned that she could live without him. To much had happened for her to stay the innocent child who had tagged a long behind him.

Jubilee was pretty far out when she heard a soft noise, since her Bastion episode she had become completly aware of almost everything. She carefully held her hands down, preparing to call on a paf if she needed to. "Who's there?", she said catiously, happy that she was in a small clearing and could see all around her.

"Heard'ya traded team's frail", a soft chuckle filled the place. Jubilee sank inside, but kept her sarcastic look on. "Yeah...bout a year ago", she replied. Sabretooth dropped in front of her. She backed away quickly. BLAST HIM! Her mind told her, but her hands weren't functioning. "I was thinkin the other day and realised I hadn't stopped by to say hey...'specially since Logan ain't here to protect you anymore", Sabretooth smiled viciously.

Jubilee's eyes narrowed, "Who say's I need him to protect me", she seethed. "Didn't do very well on your own out in that desert did ya", Sabretooth laughed. Jubilee looked up startled, but hid it quickly. "Bet'ch'ya wanna know how I knew that, huh frail", Sabretooth goaded. Jubilee didn't bite. "Not really, I just want you to get the hell outta here", she retorted. When he didn't budge she continued, "The computer's will pick up your mutant signature, the other's will be here in no time", Jubilee knew very well they were out of range, but she hoped Sabretooth didn't. He did, unfortunatly.

"Outta range frail, you know that...to bad I did to", he told her stepping forward. Jubilee backed into a tree, fear weld up inside of her. "Why all the small talk Creed...what are you waiting for ?", Jubilee faked courage.

Sabretooth looked at her, a bit suprised she realised why he was waiting. "Just wait'n to smell the fear on ya frail, and it's gitt'n there, but I want ya terrified, I want you to realise how much it's gonna hurt 'fore I kill ya and while I kill ya", he emphasized before. Jubilee gave a small gasp when she realised what she meant.

"And your going to love every minute of it", she snapped. Her voice was trembling. Sabretooth nodded, unsheathing his claws. "Well then, I guess you didn't count on this", Jubilee suddenly snarled and pushed her hands forward releasing a huge amount of pyrokinetics. She was furious, the anger overwhelming the fear. How dare this psychopath sneak into Gen X headquarters...expect to single her out...rape her...and kill her.

That was half of Jubilee, the other part was scared to death. It felt like breaking down and crying, just screaming out. Jubilee tried to force this side away. Her moment's hesitation cost her. Her flew towards her and threw her towards the ground. She struggled desperatly, but his body weight held her down tightly. He pushed her hands above her head.

Jubilee continued to struggle, she knew it was useless, but knew the alternative was unthinkable. Running a thin claw down her face and drawing blood. He chuckled, "You smell like a fresh flower slut, guess I'm gonna change that", he replied licking the wound. Jubilee shuddered, and closed her eyes tightly. This was not happening, this could not be happening.

"Wolvy", she suddenly whispered. Sabretooth threw back his head and laughed, "Not even Logan can save ya now, whore", he murmered in her ear. She gave out a small bitter cry. She heard a very familiar SnIkT! This time though it only brought fear, where it usually brought relief. She felt her t-shirt ripped in two and his hands crawling over her bust.

Jubilee tried to block it out, she tried desperatly to make these actions dissapear from her thoughts. She thought of everything she loved, Wolvy...Gen X...her friends back in CA. She thought of the proffesor's dream...and her own personal dreams. But everything she tried was useless. The reality was that Sabretooth was on top of her, and was going to rape her, she was to weak to stop him.

She was to useless, and she didn't have enough power. It had alway's been that way, she had been demoted because of it. She'd tried to make up for her shame by pretending to be a big shot, it hadn't worked so she turned to being an immature prankster.

'NO!", he mind suddenly cried out. That wasn't true, she wasn't just a weak little girl. She had powers, and she could fight. In fact she had to, she'd alway's been afraid to use her power in full strength, but she was going to have to if she wanted to save herself.

Jubilee opened her eyes briefly, Sabretooth was looking more feral. He claws snipped off what was remaining of her jeans. She was now clothed in only panties and bra. Gritting her teeth she tried to call upon her power, but inturn it wouldn't come. For some reason she had been rendered useless, her powers just gone. The horror settled in her all to quickly, how had this happened.

"No", she murmered. "What was that frail?", Sabretooth asked just to annoy her. "NO!", she said louder. He chuckled until she started screaming. "NO, NO, NO, NO!". Suddenly the air seemed to tighten, and everything grew silent. Jubilee had closed her eyes as she screamed, then when she opened them again they had turned ice blue.

"No", she added one more time. Electricity flew from her body, Sabretooth went flying. She immediatly picked herself up. "You'll pay", she murmered as she reached. She wasn't completly sure what she was doing, but she knew it was going to save her. Clenching and unclenching her fists the blue electricity crinkled around her, her old pyrokinetics mixing in with it. Her mind flew open as she pushed mentally with all her strength.

Sabretooth grabbed his head. Betsy had once explained how she created mind knives. Jubilee tried to remember everything she'd been taught about telepathy. Suprisingly she was able to almost perfect the knives with one shot. The second time it tore through his mind in a blazing fury. Her anger carried with it.

Her short hair had grown a couple inches suddenly and was flowing over her shoulders in lustrious blue locks. Her ice blue eyes mirrored the bright colors of her plasma bursts. Her body lifted into the air as she attacked his mind, and his physical form. Finally, when he became unconscience it wavered steadily for a few moments and she fell to the ground with a plop.

"Ohhh", she groaned as a pain shot through her backside. Rubbing her butt she stood and looked rather pitifully as Sabretooth. Frowning she snuck back towards the school, now how to get in unnoticed. She hadn't gotten far before the problem was answered for her.

Jubilation, may I ask what happened? Emma's telepathic voice flew into her mind. Jubilee decided to not be secretive and sent the whole scene into the Headmistresses mind. Emma gasped as the pictures came to her. When she saw the results though she secretly smiled, yes, she had been right. Jubilee would become the best of her students.

Frosty, I don't mean to intrude on your thoughts, although thank you...of course I will, but could ya get me some clothes before I run into anyone else. I am sure you alerted everyone of a threat as soon as you felt it Jubilee said grinning from ear to ear. Emma turned crimson, she hadn't realised she had let her thought's float freely to the young girl.

I'll send Paige and Monet she answered briskly. Okay was the only answer.

Jubilee sat down on an old stump as she waited for the girls. She folded her arms over her chest, she really hoped none of the boy's just decided to take a nature walk. Suddenly she heard someone approaching. She pulled herself up, leveling herself incase it should be a threat. Monet and Paige soon enough appeared. Jubilee sighed in relief as Paige rushed up to ask what happened.

"Just give me my clothes, and I'll tell ya", Jubilee muttered. She was lightly bleeding in several places, and she wanted to get them bandaged. She pulled on the black jeans and the yellow tank top they had brought. Monet probally picked it out, Jubilee thought noticing the designer labels. She started to explain what happened as she tied the sneakers.

"Wow, so you've like gained a whole bunch of new powers!", Paige exclaimed amazed. Then she remembered she wanted to be team leader, and needed to think of the changes this would mean first. "You'll need to undergo more training", was her next comment. Jubilee snickered, and whispered 'duh' under her breath.

"I suppose that Xavier will request you be returned to the X-Men, afterall that is your home...and there are 3 powerful telepaths to help you train", Monet finally commented. Jubilee raised an eyebrow, was that regret she heard in the snob's voice. "Maybe, I'll do what's best", Jubilee shrugged. Both girl's looked at her, the last thing they had expected was a mature remark.

"I am sure you will not mind returning though, afterall that is where Wolverine is, is it not...", Monet proceeded. Jubilee glared, this girl was trying to pick a fight. "What does Logan have to do with my gaining new powers", she said acidly. A lazy grin spread across Monet's face, like a kitten who'd gotten it's milk. "Now that you've gained much more strength you will seem more...appealing. Maybe enough to catch even the eye of your long time mentor, am I not right?", she said smoothly.

Jubilee gasped, "I don't know where you come off Monet, but I have NEVER thought of Wolvy that way!", she sneered. Monet laughed, a soft obnoxious sound. "I do believe that you have, otherwise why would you have gotten so...uptight, Dear Jubilee", she answered. Jubilee grimaced, Monet was pushing all her buttons. She was already high in emotion's because of Sabretooth, she didn't need this.

For once she was glad that Paige broke up a arguement. "Monet leave her alone, ya'll can get into this some other time...we need to get Jubilee to the infirmary", Paige interupted. Monet glared at Jubilee, Jubilee returned it with a similuar expression. Her ice blue eyes flashing with green's and blue's as her anger simmered down.

What Monet said about going back to the X-Men had caught her attention though. She knew it was more than likely the best idea, but she wasn't so sure. She'd been demoted, what if she couldn't handle this new power, what would happen. If she went back to the X-Men she knew she couldn't hide her abilities true strength as she could with Gen X. She would be risk hurting the people she loved most if she cut loose.

A piece of Wolverine's advice floated to mind, Best to let time run it's course...