Killer's Gambit: Chapter 1

by Seraph

Jubilee jumped down from the high window, crouching, and ready to spring in any direction should a threat reveal itself. After a short time she sensed that the warehouse was safe.

"You can come down now Gumbo." She called softly.

"Whatever you say petite." Remy called back, just as softly.

There was a flurry of movement and then Remy was beside her.

"We gonna get down to business now petite?" Remy asked.

Jubilee nodded,

"Yeah, this is the safest place I could think of. You wanna give me an estimate now Gumbo or should I guess?" she said, irritated.

Jubilee didn't like the feeling she'd been getting since Logan didn't come back on time. Whenever he was around she felt safe; her world concrete, now that he wasn't here it was like everything was shaky. As if, when she turned around, it'd all be gone.

"Bout' three thousand, paid up front." Remy said.

Jubilee laughed, and then looked around again, she stuffed her hands into the pockets of her jeans, not wanting Remy to know just how nervous she was. If Logan had been taken by the people Jubilee thought he had been, then they'd be coming after her soon enough.

"Were you dropped on your head once to often when you were baby Cajun? No way I'm given' ya that kind of money."

Remy smiled, a cold calculating expression in his eyes.

"Not me that needs the blueprints petite, not me that's got someone I love goin' to be turned in ta cat food."

"I'll give ya thousand for it Gumbo, no more, no less. Payable when the jobs done and not before. You might think you're the best Cajun, but I'm sure there's someone better." Jubilee said, her smile equally as cold, if not colder then Remy's.

"Remy gotta live petite, gotta take care o me kid's. You be taken the food outta their mouths, two thousand, five hundred. Five hundred now, two thousand when the jobs done." He said, a pained expression forming on his handsome features.

Jubilee raised an eyebrow,

"You don't have any kids, two thousand, payable when you get me what I want, and I don't kill you right here and now."

Remy nodded,

"Okay petite, you got yourself a deal, wouldn't go around threaten' ol Remy like that though. Could find yourself over your head." He said, his tone dangerous.

"Whatever you say Gumbo, just get me the merchandise and I'll give you the cash. Long as we both keep our sides of the deal, nobody gets hurt."

Remy held out his hand and Jubilee shook it, cementing the deal. In a flash Remy was gone, up and out of the window by which they'd entered. A movement in the corner of Jubilee's eye made her whirl around, dragging a knife out of some hidden place in her clothing.

Jubilee threw it, straight and true. There was a curse and the person who uttered it, darted away from the thrown knife. There was a thunk as the knife hit the wall and then a cry,

"For God's sake chica, it's only me Angelo." The figured cried.

Jubilee raised her eyes to the roof and sighed in frustration.

"Angelo, how many time have I told you not to hang out here. I could've killed you." Jubilee said.

"I don't know about that Jubicita, I can move pretty fast when I want to. What you doin' with the Cajun, anyway?"

"Makin' a deal, and it's none of your business. How bout you just go home like a good boy, hey? I don't have time to play with you now." Jubilee said, flopping down into one of the chairs.

The warehouse she'd led the Cajun to was actually one of the many houses she and Logan owned. They tended to move around a lot, made it harder for their enemies to find them.