Pickin Up The Pieces: Part 3

by Alexandria

Disclaimer: These charactars are not mine. They belong to Marvel.

Cassie shifted in bed moving against the sheets. She lie there for a moment content on being at home in her own bed. Cassie rested a hand over her chest and felt her heart beat. The constant rhythm soothed her and she breathed deeply, her mind shied away from the events of last night. She had felt her heart desperately trying to keep up. She felt it faultier and then her small world collapsed in on itself. It was an odd experience, feeling as if your heart would just stop. Knowing that it might even stop at any moment.

She raised her hands over her head and stretched. She felt tired but other than that she felt fine. She shielded her eyes from the harsh sunlight that pored through her window. She blinked getting used to the light and saw wisps of smoke floating through the golden beams. Turning her head she smelled tobacco. Cassie sat up in bed pushing the sheets off of her. Her eyes fell on a white paper bag that lie on her night table. Cassie frowned. That hadn't been there last night, she thought.

"It's your medication and some vitamins." Logan told her. Cassie grabbed the covers and drew them up to her chin at the sound of his voice. Cassie looked across the room to the chair where Logan sat. He was staring at her smoking a cigar. She glared at him.

"Haven't you ever heard of tact?" She snapped.

"Course you would have known that if you had stuck around last night." He told her ignoring her.

"I don't like hospitals." She told him getting out of bed slowly. "Why are you here?" She asked annoyed.

"Your friend Teressa called me last night. She was worried about you." He paused. "So was I. So I rushed over to the hospital to find that you weren't there. You have a mind heard condition Jubilee. You should have stayed there." Logan told her sternly.

"I said I don't like hospitals." She repeated through gritted teeth. Logan stood up abruptly and she took a step back towards the bed. He walked over to her and picked up the bag. He took out two bottles and took out a pill from each of them. He handed them to Cassie.

"Take these." He ordered. She glowered at him. "Take them." He repeated. Cassie gave him a contemptuous look and crossed her arms. Logan showed no budging so she opened her mouth. Logan popped the pills in her mouth and handed her a bottle of water. She took a swig of it and swallowed grimacing. "You have to take one of each every day." He told her handing her the bottles. She put them on the night table without even looking at them.

"Well good morning to you to." She told him sarcastically.

"It's not morning. You slept all day, its four fifteen." He told her. Cassie looked at the clock to check. "You and me have got to talk." He told her. Cassie sighed not wanting to. She ran a hand through her unkempt hair.

"Can't I get dressed first?" She asked gesturing to her nightgown. He sat down on the bed and pulled her down beside him when she didn't follow.

"You are dressed. How long have you been here?" He asked her.

Cassie sighed. "About five months." She told him.

"And before that where were you?" He asked. Cassie shrugged her shoulders. "You don't remember?" He asked.

She let out a long suffering sigh. "Not really." She said sarcastically. "I just remember wandering around half out of my mind. Then Teressa found me and she brought me here. I didn't remember anything about myself and I was so sick. She took care of me, they all did. Devon owns the house because he's nineteen and the rest of us live here. There's about nine of us here right now. We pick pockets, shop lift, and rip off rich houses." She explained.

"So you don't remember anything?" Cassie shook her head and lent over picking up the wallet.

"You really know me." She said quietly. "My name is Jubilee?" She asked unsure.

Logan nodded. "It's your nickname. It's actually Jubilation Lee." He told her putting a hand on her wrist. Cassie looked down at it and stood up sliding away from him.

She looked at him dubious. "Are you like...related?" She asked. Logan shook his head.

"No you don't have any family. Your parents died in a car wreck a couple of years ago. You ran into me and I took you home with me. You live in a boarding school in Snow Valley now." He explained.

Cassie sat down in the chair across the room. "How did I get here?" She asked.

"I don't know darlin'." She stood up and walked over to her. "This isn't your home. You don't belong here. You belong at home, in Massachusetts. You have a family there, a room, school, your own things, your life." He told her.

"My life." She laughed. She walked over to her dresser and took out some cloths. "I don't remember it." She said to herself. She turned to Logan. "I don't remember you." She laughed shortly. "When I look in the mirror I don't even know who it is I'm looking at. I picked my name off the top of my head. It sounds nice, you know? Cassandra Reed." She said and shook her head.

"Your fourteen, you shouldn't be alone." He told her. Cassie's head shot up.

"I'm not alone." She argued.

"You live in a house with teenage thieves. Its not exactly what you call a family. You collapsed last night and they didn't know what to do." He told her.

"They took me to the hospitatl. Anyway I've been worse." She told him getting annoyed again.

"They took you to the hospital when you collapsed. You don't see a doctor regularly, like you should. Your heart has too much strain on it. That's why your sick, you've been through too much and it just can't take much more. This is serious, you need medical attention." He stopped when she started to walk out the door. "You can die from this." He told her. Cassie stopped at the door and looked back after a moment.

"Are you serious?" She asked.

"You need a safe enviroment without stress. You don't have to worry about being thrown into a home getting hurt. You need to get the medical care that you need, doctors appointments, medication, vitamins, or what ever else. You can find out who you are, get your memory back.

Cassie grasped the bundle of cloths she had in her arms. "And how would I go about that?" She asked sarcatically.

"Let me take you home. There's a full time doctor there that can take care of you, no hospitals. You have your own room and your things there. You have a house full of people that love you." He told her sternly trying not to sound too eager. He watched her as she lent against the door.

"You want me to go with you across the the contry? To live in a big house with pople I don't remember? Just like that?" She asked dubious.

"You'll remember them soon enough." He told her shortly. Cassie looked at him with a look of indifference. She shrugged her shoulders and walked out of the room.

"Ask me later!" She called down the hallway.


About an hour later Logan heard her small footsteps coming back up to the room. He was sitting back in the chair smoking another cigar. He had opened the window to let the smoke out. He looked away from the window to the door to see Cassie walk in. She walked in and sat on the bed. She folded her legs underneath her and smoothed the covers under her. She kept her eyes on the bed not looking at him. Finally she looked across the room to Logan. She adverted her eyes at his stare.

"Say for some reason I don't like it there." She started. "I can come back here." She said her voice unsure.

"If you need to then yeah you can. Its up to you darlin'." He told her quietly.

"There aren't any strings attatched. I don't have to do anything..." She trailed off.

Logan sighed not sure where she was going. "No. All we want is to have you home." He told her. Cassie looked down at the bed for a few minutes. In a blurry of movements she lept off and stood up.

"O.K.: She said her voice more sure. "I'll go with you but." She said pointing a finger to him. "But if I don't like it I'm gone. Got it?" She waited for him to nod. "Good. All right my name is Cassandra Reed. You can call me Cassandra or Cassie." She told him.

"Your name is Jubilee." He told her.

"That may be but I don't remember being called that so don't call me it. My name is Cassandra." She told him. "Next no more of this darlin' crap 'kay? I have a name." She said smiling.

"Of course you don't know what it is." Logan said ruefully as he stood up. Cassie threw him a look but he didn't see it. She shook her head annoyed once again. "Great now that that's settled I'll call and get up our plane tickets." He told her.

"Excuse me? What?" Cassie asked with a slight catch in her voice.

"The plane tickets. We're going to Massachusetts and its all the way at the other side of the U.S." He explained gesturing widely.

Cassie paled slightly. "Did I mention I was claustrophobic?" She asked in a small voice. "I really can't spend all day trapped in a seat. In a *small* plane with no air." She emphasized.

"I'm sure they'll have air on the plane." He told her. She didn't listen.

"I'll be stuck on the plane all *day*. I won't be able to leave or go outside." She said her hands fidling with the tails of her shirt. "That is of course if the place doesn't fall to the ground in a twisting ball of flaming metal." She shook her head sharply. "Nope. Changed my mind, can't do it." She told him.

"What do you mean you changed your mind?" Logan asked.

"I *can't* go on a plane, no way." She shook her head again.

"Okay, you don't want to go on a plane then we'll find another way to get there. Simple. We can rent a car." He told her.

"Rent a car?" She repeated.

"Yeah, it'd be perfect. If you feel trapped then we can just pull over and you can get out. I have a Harley but that might not be the best thing for you to go cross country in." He laughed. Cassie nodded slowly the color returning to her cheeks. "Sound better?" He asked grinning.

"Much. When do you want to go?" She asked him.


"Tomorrow? Why so soon?" She asked surprised.

"The sooner the better." Look I'm going to go and get the car."

"A nice one." She cut in. "You know a convertable would be ideal." Logan gave her a look. "Claustrophobic, remember?" She told him.

Logan sighed and felt the beginning of a head ache coming on. "A convertable. I'll get my bike sent back home. I'll roll on by in the morning and you have everything packed." He told her.


Cassie sat on the bottom of the steps waiting for Logan to drive up the backroad. She had her knees drawn up to her chin and her arms hugged them. Around her were a couple suitcases and duffelt bags of cloths and things. She had on white jean shorts and a white tank top with blue flower embroidered around the top. The white leather jacket was wrapped around her waitst. Her hair was up in a loose bun to fight off the hat that was showing even in the early morning. Reflective silver sunglasses perched on her nose.

She yawned and looked at her watch. She was farily early but she had felt that if she didn't leave early she would have changed her mind. Every so often she would look up the path and think she could just run up it and go home. Cassie had not slept last night she had spent the whole night packing and talking to Teressa. One by one her friends would come up to her room over the night to say good-bye. She had packed most of her cloths and given the rest to Teressa, she was the only girl near her age. Her stomach was in knots at the thought of going to the other side of the continent. To a whole new life, the one she had forgotten.

Cassie yawned again and checked her bag for the fifth time to see if she had remembered her medication. Satisifed it was still there she put her bag down. Cassie heard a car coming down the road and she checked her watch again. "'Bout an hour early." She mumbled looking down the road. Country music played over the songs of the bugs. Beside herself Cassie grinned. A sharp blue convertable with the top down pulled to a stop in front of her.

Logan turned to her as he stepped out. Cassie looked at the coyboy hat perched on his head and her grin widened. He was dressed in about the same attire as he was yesterday, jeans and boots. This time he had on a solid green shirtr was was open in front to a white under shirt. Cassie stood up grabbing her bag. Logan leaned back into the car and popped the trunk.

"Morning Cassie. You got everything?" He asked picking up a few of her bags. Cassie smiled towards him genially this time and nodded.

"Morning Logan." Seh replied as she helped him pick up her bags. He took them from her immedieatly.

"Don't worry I'll get them." He told her. She nodded and watched him struggle with the larg load. He put them in the trunk and closed it. "Ya' like the car?" He asked. Cassie opened the door.

"Yeah, I do. It's real nice." She said sitting down. Logan sat down behind the wheel.

"Seat belt." He told her as he did his. Cassie put hers on without complaint. She bent forward and turned off the radio. Logan glanced up while she rummaged through her bag. She took out a CD and put it in. Tori Amos's voice sprang from the CD player. Cassie's grin turned to a smile as she lent back in her seat.

"Real nice." She said. Logan looked up at her and laughed. The car moved down the road flinging dirt in its wake. Cassie glanced back in the rear mirror then set her sights ahead of her glancing at Logan. She felt a burden shift in her. 'I'm going home, she thought.'