Shards: Part 3

by Alexandria

This is the third part of Shards. The story is PG, it has some violent parts and a bad word or two. Disclaimer: Same as always the characters belong to Marvel. I make no money from this. Note: ** indicates a strong word while <> indicates a flashback or a dream, don't worry you'll know it when you see it.

<Jubilee lie on the operating table and she struggled against her restraints. She glared at the doctors that stood around her. Their faces hidden by sterile masks and thier cold eyes held no emotion towards her. Her eyes found Bastion as he stood in the shadows watching her. She breathed hard her chest rising and falling fast. Her eyes accused him in her scilence. She watched as his lips turned upward. He was enjoying this, he enjoyed torturing her. Beside herself she growled, a deep sound in the back of her throat.

A pair of gloved hands took her face and secured it so she couldn't move it. Jubilee smelled the latex of the gloves and the bitterness of chemicals. The lights above her snapped on and glared in her eyes. Jubilee closed her eyes at the brightness. She smelt something strong and her nose wrinkled at it. A wetness brushed her chest harshly. Then a sharp pain pierced her chest and Jubilee looked up. A doctor bent over her slightly as he gave her a shot in her chest. Her toes curled and she gritted her teeth at the intense pain. The needle jabbed further and she felt it touch something.

Oh God, how long was it? She thought. She held her breath and held still willing it to be over. Jubilee's eyes couldn't focus on anything because of the lights. She closed them and saw spots dancing on her closed eyelids. The pain receded and she looked up. The doctor was away from her but more importantly, the needle was. Jubilee unclenched her teeth and toes. She breathed again and felt the sharp pain as she took each breath. When was this going to be over? What were they doing now? She thought>


Jubilee blinked her eyes and groaned. She felt a warm hand on hers and she tensed. "Easy Jubes. Easy." Logan told her gently. Jubilee moved her head slowly at the sound of his voice. She noticed that she was laying down in a bed and she was clean. She looked at him questioningly.

"Where am I?" She asked in a small voice. Logan squeezed her hand gently.

"Your in the med lab. You got a bump on your head and some bruises." He told her.

Jubilee raised her free hand to her head. She touched the bandage on her left temple and winced. "I'm O.K. aren't I?" She asked. Logan nodded. "What happened?" She asked. Logan looked over to someone. Jubilee tried to turn her head but stopped when the room spun. Logan stood up from beside her bed and stood beside Hank. She saw Logan give Hank a look.

"She's fine Logan. She received a blow to the head that left her unconsious for at least thirty minutes. Its not as if she would remember how she got hurt, or even the circumstances surrounding it. That is to say if she was even conscious during the fiasco." Hank told him. He looked down to Jubilee. "What do you remember Jubilee?" Hank asked.

Jubilee screwed up her face. "I was in the danger room with the others. In the jungle." She paused. "We split up and I was alone. I didn't see anyone...then it started raining and the alarm sounded. Noises." She paused. "A blast?" Her face looked confused. "I fell down this hill." She said and lent further into the pillow. "Nothing." She told them.

Hank patted her ankle. "That may be all there is to remember. The abrasions and bruises on your body would have resulted on a fall." He told her.

Jubilee swallowed and looked up to Logan. "Wolvie what happened?" She asked. Logan glanced across the room and walked over to her. He bent down over her so his face was just over hers.

"The computer screwed up. Everyone is going to be fine." He whispered.

"That's the second time you've told me that today." She whispered back obviously not believing him.

Logan put a hand on her cheek. "That's becuase its the truth. Some of us got hurt today, some more than others but we *will* be fine." He told her. "You don't need to worry about it. Get some sleep." He told her and kissed her on her forehead. "I'm just glad your fine." He whispered.

"Same here." Jubilee whispered back. She kissed his cheek. Logan went to stank up. "Wolvie." She told him calling him back. "I love ya'." She told him. Logan paused surprised at the show of emotion. He smiled and nodded.

"I love ya' too darlin'." He told her. "Now get some rest." He said gruffly. Jubilee grinned and put her head on the pillow. He saw her nod before he left the room.


Logan took his seat at the conference room. Cyclops sat at the head of the table. Angel and Storm were there sporting different bandages. Angel was hurt more than Storm, along with a broken wrist his hand was wrapped in thick gauss. He had also broken several bones in both of his wings. Storm's back was all bruised up and Logan could tell by the way she was sitting that it was bothering her. Marrow sat crouched across the room away from the table. Drake slouched near Cyclops casting a look from member to member. Rogue was to his left obviously mad but unharmed. Sam sat beside him worse for ware but fine. Hank was tending to the people in the med lab, Jean who was still sick, Jubilee with her minor head injury, and Bishop who was in a mild coma. They were still unsure what happened to him.

"The computer to the danger room was destroyed." Cylops said and eyed Rogue and Angel. They looked at him innocently. "So it is unsure exactly what happened. The computer to the danger room and the main computer is not connected so we can't detect what happened there either. We have done a full sweep with the main computer and haven't detected anything odd there. Such as a virus, misplaced files, or any unlawful entry. So the only thing we have to go by is what we saw. Mainly what I saw. The computer wouldn't authorize my command code. It was programmed to do the things it did."

"Yeah, like make a monsoon, override the saftey inhibitors, and put up the lasers." Logan growled.

"There hasn't been any trespassing on the property." Cyclops told them.

"So what we got is a traitor." Drake finished. Cyclops glared at him but nodded.

"That is the best guess we have at the moment." Cyclops said quietly. There was some murmurs in the group.

"Why don't we just do a mind scan to see who it is?" Storm asked.

"The Professor is still missing, Phsylock is away at the moment, and Jean is in the med lab in no condition to do one." Cyclops told them.

"This is all tying up real nice." Logan said getting up.

Cyclops looked his way. "What are you saying Logan?" Cyclops asked.

"We're almost killed in the danger room today. The computer is destroyed and we don't have any clues other than one of us did it. The only telepath is in the med lab and we don't know why yet. Odd isn't it?" Logan asked slamming his fist onto the table. Rogue and Storm jumped slightly. Cyclops looked at the table hard. Although his eyes were hidden his face was indeed angry. It did fit too nicely, someone had hurt his wife. His jay clenched and he nodded.

Storm put her head in her hands. "Goddess, a traitor." She whispered.


Jubilee woke up in the middle of the night and got out of bed. She looked around the med lab and saw Hank no where in sight. Bishop was lying prone in a bed across the room. She walked over to him and stood by his bedside. She had fed a lot of power into him and she wa unsure at what would happen to him. He may never wake up or he might wake up in the morning, she just didn't know. Jubilee walked over to the cabinet and looked around for what she needed. Grinning she took it out and grabbed a needle. She filled the needle and put the bottle back. Jubilee walked back to Bishop and held the IV tube that stuck in his arm. She stuck the needle in the tube and pushed the stopper. The clear liquid shot into the tube mixing with the bag.

"That should give me some more time." Jubilee whispered. She heard a sound outside and she froze. She walked over to the bio hazzard trash and disposed of the needle. Then she walked into the hallway to find out what was going on. A couple doors down was a bathroom and the door was cracked open. Light crept from the room into the dark hallway. Jubilee heard Jean moving around and the familiar sounds of her being sick. Jubilee pushed open the door and patted her on the back.

"You all right?" Jubilee asked softly. Jean nodded shakily and got up. Jubilee grabbed a washcloth and wet it for her. Jubilee wiped the sweet off Jean's pale face. Jean smiled weakly.

"I din't wake you did I?" Jean asked. Jubilee frowned.

"I don't know. Something woke me up." She shrugged. "It could have been you." Jubilee concluded. She handed Jean the washcloth. "It's O.K. I'm not tired anyway and my head is down to a dull throbbing." They left the bathroom and walked back to the med lab. "Do you think your stable enough to handle some water?" Jubilee asked. Jean nodded slowly. "Why don't you go lie down and I'll get us some." Jubilee told her as she turned around to go towards the kitchen.


The house was busy in the early morning hour. No one had gotten any rest as they searched for any clues on what had happened yesterday. Hank on the other hand had his hands busy taking care of his patients. He was doing another examine on Jean and her vitals were looking worse. Jean gathered the blanket tighter around her as she shook. Her breathing was shallow and her pulse was thready. Her skin was pale and she was in a cold sweet. Hank checked her pupils and found she wasn't focusing very well. He didn't understand it, he hadn't found out what was causing her illness yet. The blood tests and toxixcology test showed nothing. Yet she was worsening. He shook his head as he went to the intercom.

"Cyclops." He called and waited for an answer. A moment later he received on. "Can you come down here? It's Jean, she's getting worse, having you here might help." He told him looking over to her.

There was a slight pause. "Of course I'll be right down." His voice sounded strained. Hank went back to Jean.

Scot walked in the door a few minutes later followed by Logan. Scot went to Jean who was curled up in a ball on the bed. The covers were pulled up to her chin and her face was glowing with sweet. Scot stroked her wet hair out of her face. Jean stirred slightly at the touch and looked his way. Her lips gave the slightest turn up. Scot looked to Hank upset.

"What's wrong with her? She didn't look this bad when I checked on her two hours ago." He hissed. Hank shook his head understanding.

"I have yet to discern what is allying her. I have ran blood tests and toxicology tests and they have produced nothing. I have also ran some other tests and I am awaiting their completion. Perhaps they may shed some light on this perplexing matter." Hank told him.

Logan looked over to Jean who looked as if she might fall asleep at any moment. God, she didn't look good. He thought. He looked over to Jubilee's bed and saw that is was empty. He glanced around the room for her. "Where's the kid?" He asked.

"There really was no reson as to why she should stay here. All she needed was rest and with all the commotion in here." Hank stopped as Jean spoke up.

"It's my fault, I woke her up She can't sleep here if I'm making so much noise." Jean said weakly.

"She's in her own bed." Hank finished.

Logan nodded and looked back to Jean. Scot was knelt beside her with her small hand in his. He was talking quietly to her and she was focusing on him. Knowing she was fine and in good hands he decided to leave. He walked to the door and stopped when something caught his eye. Two glasses from the kitchen sat on a small table off to the side. He walked over to them to take them back to the kitchen. He picked one up and paused. He smelled something odd about it. He sniffed the inside of the cup, there was a bitterness to it.

"Hank are you using these for an experiment or something?" He asked. Hank walked over to Logan taking the glasses.

His brows nit. "No, were they here? Why do you ask?" Hank questioned.

"There's a smell to it, it's faint but unmistakable. Both of them smell like water but this one." He pointed to one of them. "The scent is different, its like a chemical. I'm not sure. There's just something wrong about it." Logan told him. Hank walked across the room.

"I'll examine it. Does the other one have the scent?" He asked. Logan shook his head. Hank put the cup down and Scot looked up having heard part of the conversation.

Jean turned her head to see Hank and saw the cup. She smiled slightly. "I woke Jubilee up when I got up. She got me some water." Jean explained. The three men looked confused.

"Jubilee brought you that cup?" Scot asked her. Jean nodded. "Did she have any herself?" He asked.

Jean nodded. "Yes, she broght two cups from the kitchen." She said softly.

"When did you start to feel really sick again?" Scot asked.

"I just finished drinking my water and I guess it didn't agree with me. I got sick and she went and got Hank." Jean told him. Scot looked over to Logan and Logan bristled.