The Wish: Part 4 - Dinner

by Lady J and Nichole


(None of the X-men belong to me yada,yada,yada.They all belong to Marvel so I'm not making any money. Feedback is nessecary so if you don't I'll be like a rash LOL!)

That night all the X-men sat down to eat.Jean had a pot roast,mashed potatoes,green beans & everything else you can think of.Gambit sat beside Rogue chuckling to himself & adding tons of Cajun spices until Rogue sneezed."Remy did yall have to put on all those spices,Mah nose is gonna be all stuffed up."

Remy smiled & winked at Rogue as she turned a bright red."Oh come on cher you know what us Cajuns are like." as he continued the spice invasion.

"Yer gonna be a dead Cajun if ya don't stop!" Jubilee growled deep in his throat as Logan started giggling for no apreant reason as he covered up his giggles.

Jubes now looked at him and smiled as Logan laughed even harder.This time tomorrow someone was going to be in serious trouble and for once it wasn't going to be Jubes it would be Logan.

"Jean this pot roast is absolutely divine." Hank said wiping his mouth with a napkin.

After dinner some of them went to the rec hall,others went to the library,some of them went to the back of the kitchen to grab a cup of coffee and conversation as for Logan and Jubilee they v egged out in front of the TV.Logan sitting between Jubilee's legs."I'm gonna get some popcorn you old Canucklehead." Logan said winking.

"Get me a beer will ya darlin while you're up?" Jubilee said quirking the perfect Wolvie growl.

Logan took off like a shot into the kitchen and found Jean and Scott in a deep lip lock."Get a clue! Find a room you two!" They both stopped and turned to him embarrassed at being caught.Scott lifted one of his eyebrows in a parental sort of way Logan hated it.

"Just getting some popcorn for me and a beer for Wolvie." Jean started to say something about just eating dinner before Logan gave her "Hey I'm a growing girl gotta have my snacks!" She got out a Coke for her and a "canuckle" beer for him then went back to the TV room and sat down handing the beer to her,then popped open the coke and ripped open the bag of popcorn.

"So what are we gonna watch Jubes?" Jubes said laughing.Logan went over to the video cabinet and picked their all time favorite movie Raiders of the Lost Ark."Great choice kid." They put it in the VCR and watched it.

"Ohherecomesmyalltimefavoritepart! Whenthatguyis tossingaroundhisswordandIndydoesn'twanttodealwithhimso hejustshootshim!" Logan squealed in delight as he rolled on her stomach and sat engrossed into the movie.

Jubilee just stared at him and couldn't help but laugh he was seeing this movie like he had never seen it before when they've seen it about 6 million times. She lit up a stoogie & kicked off his boots she wasn't going to go anywhere.

"So Wolvie," Jubes said "Do you wanna have a danger room session tommorrow?"

Logan turned to look at her & smiled."Sure loved to! Oh I'll be back I have to pee!"

He paused the movie & went out to the kitchen where Bobby was.The two conspirers looked at each other& smiled.Then Logan grabbed another coke & went back into the rec hall & settled down again on the coach beside her,tucking her legs underneath her butt.

After the movie was over Logan yawned & rubbed her eyes."Listen Jubes I'm gonna go up to bed.I'll see you tommorrow ok?" he kissed her on the cheek & flew up the steps taking two at a time.

Jubilee stared after him & wondered what was going on.Logan didn't go back to her room he went to Bobby's He burst in singing as Bobby looked up like a startled rabbit."Relax Bob-oh it's just me! Did you get it?"

Bobby smiled & handed her a bottle as Logan jumped up & down like a hyperactive puppy."Oh boy is Wolvie going to get it!" Logan squealed in triumphant "Now all we have to do is wait for the morning."

Logan skipped out carrying the bottle she went into his room & placed it in the shower,then took off the shower head & produced another can & put something in the showerhead.He put a clear sheet of plastic over the toilet seat.Then he went out of the room & into hers with a smile on her face.

(Well that's the end of part 4.Sure hope you'll join us the same Wolvie/Jubes time same Wolvie/Jubes channel! Sorry couldn't help it!)