Return of the Dragon: Chapters 6-7

by Parodys

Disclaimer: Peter Lee and Jessica are mine. The rest belongs to Marvel.

A/N: It¡¦s finished!!! Heh...thanks and sorry to all of those who stuck it out through the long, long haul. Many thanks to Bunnicula who prodded my ass into gear, and every one else who reviewed. This has not been through my beta so all and probably many mistakes are mine.

Warnings: I¡¦m going to be safe and make it a full R- for the fact that Mayan history is a very, very bloody one.

text in italics indicate Xibalba's speech
*telepathic speech*

A/N: I¡¦m taking extreme liberties with dates and the history of the Mayan culture, so please don¡¦t take what I¡¦m about to put down as fact. I am also pretending that the site of Calakmul doesn¡¦t have a paved road leading to it or a Ramada Inn just across the road (as it does in real life). *looks around the room* What? I need a totally isolated environment instead of a tourist attraction. The large block of text in italics is a dream sequence.

Chapter Six: Fight of the Jaguar

¡¦Okay let me just get this straight one more time.¡¦

Jubilee sighed as she slashed away at the thick greenery in front of her. It had been several hours since she had been able to use a real toilet, had access to an air conditioner, and hear something besides the incessant questioning of a certain young man who apparently had issues with Jubilee being in danger.

¡¦You got captured by some goons of a Russian mob boss who you ended up knowing and he took you to Cancun.¡¦


¡¦That you called Nana when you were younger.¡¦


¡¦Nana? As in Grandma Nana?¡¦

Another plant bit the dust as the machete cleanly sliced through the leaves. ¡¦Nana as in Va-nya. I was just a baby and couldn¡¦t pronounce his name.¡¦ Jubilee paused and stooped down to remove bug that was caught in her sock. She was dressed like the rest of the team in hiking boots, khaki pants or shorts, and a loose t-shirt, and had been liberally sprayed with bug repellent (provided by the ever handy Paige). The team had been forced to land the plane in a semi-clear spot about 30 miles away from the Calakmul site. Since then Jubilee had lead the way, her gut moving her in a direction that she couldn¡¦t ignore, the rest of the team had followed behind her. They were oddly silent as they trekked through the jungle with often the buzz of insects and the chatter of small animals the only noise for hours.

Each member was coping with the heat and strain in their own way. Angelo had minutely questioned Jubilee on every segment of her journey while Paige had bemusedly walked through the undergrowth as she fiddled around with her PDA trying to get a reading for the past four hours. Her blond hair had been tucked into a floppy cloth hat, and she occasionally waved a bug away as she passed almost unknowing through the hot, humid area. On the other hand, Monet was determinedly walking forward with a tenacity that was unnerving Jonothon who was in front of her. Every time he would walk too slowly for Monet¡¦s needs, he would be sharply prodded in the back of his head.

The almost thick air that sweltered around them seemed to sap their energies and even Angelo had lost all of his unease at traveling so deep into the jungle.

Eight hours later the group finally made it into a valley, where the air seemed a little cooler. They all paused, and everyone collapsed on the ground in a heap of bags, smelly feet and tired bodies. The unexpected hike had begun fairly early that morning, and after several hours of walking nobody was in the best of moods. Which was probably not the best time for Paige to have spoken up.

¡¦Hey! I just got the PDA back online.¡¦ Paige smiled to herself happily as she quickly sifted through various sites until she came up on a map of the area. ¡¦Um¡¦¡¦ she chewed her lip indecisively as she looked at the others.

¡¦Spit it out hayseed.¡¦

¡¦Did anyone know that there¡¦s a paved road going up to the site?¡¦

Moving as one, everyone turned to look at Jubilee who blushed slightly. ¡¦What? I didn¡¦t see anything from the plane, did you?¡¦

Monet sighed witheringly. ¡¦You wouldn¡¦t have from the plane remember?  There would have been too many trees and foliage covering the road.¡¦ She turned to Paige. ¡¦Can you access some satellite photos of the area? Maybe we aren¡¦t too far from the road.¡¦

*I¡¦m not meaning to complain gel¡¦*

¡¦But.¡¦ Jubilee supplied.

*Aren¡¦t you taking this thing with your great uncle just a little too far? He could be anywhere in the world right now and we¡¦re busy pulling a Blair Witch Project in the middle of nowhere.*

Angelo moaned from his position on the ground. ¡¦Shit! I hadn¡¦t even thought about that movie.¡¦

¡¦Angelo?¡¦ Monet smiled at him sweetly. ¡¦There¡¦s a lizard on your leg.¡¦

While Ange proceeded to crush all surrounding plant life, Paige had finally accessed her the photos. ¡¦I pulled up the most recent files and the road should be right under us. M why don¡¦t you go take a look around? Maybe we¡¦re off by a few meters.¡¦

Rising delicately in the air, they soon lost sight of Monet as she hovered around the area for several minutes, when she landed a frown was on her face. ¡¦I can¡¦t see anything or anyone. There¡¦s no sign of a road, just a couple of temples about a hundred feet ahead.¡¦

¡¦Crap.¡¦ Jubilee stood up and looked around her, her eyes resting on a hill to the right of them. She peered at it for a few moments before she realized that it was a building, and without making a sound, started climbing the steep side. The earth crumbled under her boots, as she pulled herself up using the ancient stones as handholds. Once she had reached the top she could see the outline of Calakmul, but it was far different from anything she had seen on the internet. The jungle had seemed to resist growing there and only a tree or two marred the wide, earthen plaza in the middle of the city. Huge, white temples rose in the distance looking for all the world like they had never been through the ravages of time. In fact, instead of the decayed buildings with broken walls, the city looked fairly new. A sinking feeling churned in Jubilee¡¦s stomach as she slid down the side of the hill, and she grinned nervously at them.

*What is it?* Jono asked suspiciously.

¡¦I¡¦m not sure but it doesn¡¦t look good guys.¡¦


Emma was not happy. Her face was expressionless as she looked at the younger woman who had been put in charge of Jubilee¡¦s care. The woman once known as the White Queen of the Hellfire Club was far from impressed and it was showing. She had spent the last three days utterly furious at the children and after she had broken several vases, dishes and bought out a company, she had managed to get her temper under control. That didn¡¦t mean, however, that she was any less angry with the woman in front of her.

¡¦You were trying to protect her?¡¦

Jessica stood and paced the room, tying and retying her hair into a ponytail. ¡¦Peter trusted me with her care and I couldn¡¦t let her go after him. I know that¡¦s what she was trying to do, heck any child of his blood line would do that.¡¦

¡¦So that¡¦s why you wouldn¡¦t let her out of the house, monitored her communications and eavesdropped on everything that she did?¡¦

¡¦I know what Jubilee is capable off, any student who¡¦s had your tutelage is more than able to go off and attempt a rescue.¡¦

¡¦Excuse me?¡¦ Emma¡¦s eyes flashed, the one movement betraying her emotions.

¡¦You aren¡¦t the only one who did some research. Peter needed to know what kind of environment that Jubilee had been living in since her parents¡¦ death. You¡¦re fairly well known in some circles Ms. Frost.¡¦

Sean stepped forward to stop the obvious flow of animosity between the two women. ¡¦Alright, calm down both yeh! We¡¦ll never get anywhere if yeh keep this up.¡¦ He turned to Jessica who had sat down. ¡¦Jessica, ya say ya know about Emma. Well then let her scan yer mind and it¡¦ll be the end of it. Are yeh willing?¡¦

After a few moments Jessica assented. ¡¦If it¡¦ll help the child.¡¦

Emma closed her eyes, slipping into Jessica¡¦s thoughts and feelings brutally searching every crevice of her mind of some hint of treachery. The dark woman cringed, as painful memories were brought back to light with turbulent emotions, but remained still until Emma finally withdrew. ¡¦She¡¦s clean.¡¦

Sean let out a gust of air that he had been holding. ¡¦Good, now we need to decided what to do.¡¦

The three adults were sitting in the study where large bay windows looked out onto the ocean. As they sat silently, the sound of the waves crashing against the rocks did nothing to soothe them, as each pondered the whereabouts of the children. Finally Jessica got up from her seat and walked over to the bookshelf on the far wall. A dark leather book was picked unerringly from the others, and she handed to Emma.

¡¦If your students and Jubilee have already gotten to Calakmul there¡¦s nothing we can do. It¡¦s up to them now if they survive or not.¡¦


Deep in the heart of the Mayan heartland, the five teenagers were safely tucked away in their respective tents, the boys in one and the girls in the other. The team had finally decided to spend the night in the outskirts of the city while they made up their minds on what to do and after carefully inspecting the area for wildlife, had camped down. One body however, was stirring restlessly as the heavy ring lying on her chest began to grow hotter and hotter.

Jubilee awoke with a start, the hot ring searing her chest and her hand, unbidden, grabbed it only to have it cool to her touch. Crouching low, Jubilee ducked out of the tent and into the brilliant moonlight shining through the trees. Her bare feet padded softly on the earth as she walked past the towering timbers, her fingers brushing against the rough bark. The small Chinese teenager smiled, and lifted her hands into the air letting the moonlight caress her body. Within moments, Jubilee stepped into a clearing that led to a heavy stone entranceway. Two huge stone statues guarded either side of the entrance, both creatures horribly fanged and clawed, and as Jubilee stepped up to the entrance they stirred.

Not moving Jubilee merely smiled as the immense beasts shuddered to life, shaking off years of debris to reveal magnificent jaguars that bared their teeth as the began to circle her. The animals were nothing like Jubilee had ever seen, they were almost as tall as she was, and their eyes glowed a deep green as they assessed the newcomer to their territory. They were almost identical except for a gold ring in one of the beast¡¦s ear.

*Why are you here?*

Jubilee clutched the ring around her neck. ¡¦I was led here.¡¦

*This is sacred land, why are you here?*

¡¦To save my great-uncle.¡¦

The jaguar cocked its head towards her, the ring trembling slightly as it breathed. *That is not why you are here.* It raised a thick paw and cuffed her on the head, much like it was reprimanding a cub. *Why do you persist in these falsehoods?* It turned to look at it¡¦s mate who was delicately licking her fur. *Can you help?*

The female sniffed Jubilee, her wet nose brushing the small hand before settling back down on her haunches. *Why are you here?*

Jubilee sighed, beginning to feel like she was in a major test and failing. ¡¦I told you! I¡¦m here trying to find my great uncle. He¡¦s lost and needs me to help him.¡¦

*Child!* The jaguar leapt forward and landed in front of Jubilee sending up a puff of dirt in the girl¡¦s face. ¡¦Why are you here? Surely once place is as good as another to seek a lost one?*

¡¦Oh. His last letter came from Mexico, I thought it was the best place to look. And¡¦¡¦ Jubilee rubbed her neck thoughtfully.

*And what?*

¡¦Something pulled me here. I don¡¦t know what it is but it feel right ya know?¡¦

The she-jaguar licked Jubilee¡¦s face affectionately. *Good child, and how do you know it¡¦s not evil?*

¡¦Because it doesn¡¦t feel evil, it needs me somehow.¡¦

*Yes, Xibalba is in need of help. Do you accept his plea?*

Jubilee stared into the dark green eyes of the jaguar and then slowly nodded. ¡¦I will help him.¡¦

The two jaguars exchanged a look and then male trotted off the side of the entrance to retrieve a spear engraved with various hieroglyphs. Handing the weapon to Jubilee, they waited while she hefted the six-foot long pole in her hand.

¡¦What is this for?¡¦

*In your journey to help Xibalba you will need a weapon to defend yourself. This is what he has given you for the rite of acceptance.*

Jubilee stepped back nervously. ¡¦What rite of acceptance?¡¦

*All of his chosen must endure a test that will prove their battle skills, honor and ability.*

¡¦And it starts when?¡¦

*Now child.*

With teeth bared the huge animal lunged at Jubilee, his lethal claws grazing the teenager¡¦s shoulder as she rolled out of the way. Gripping the spear in her hand, she circled the beast warily, never moving her eyes from his. The jaguar seriously outweighed the girl, and could overpower her easily, there would be no way for her to win if it came to a pure one on one fight. It would be have to be won through a weapon or her powers and Jubilee didn¡¦t want to hurt the cat, her conversation with it before was enough to soften her to the animal.

For several moments Jubilee was forced to duck and dodge the animal¡¦s fierce attacks, each time getting more and more tired. Sweat blurred her vision and she irritatedly shook her head sending beads of liquid into the air. Throwing the spear half-heartedly at the jaguar, Jubilee bit her lip as she carefully constructed a plasma ball in her hand. Once it was big enough she threw it at the cat, stopping it only centimeters from it¡¦s face.

¡¦Move,¡¦ Jubilee gasped for air as she kept her hand outstretched. ¡¦And it will explode your head into so many pieces it¡¦ll take your mate there months to find it all.¡¦

It¡¦s whiskers quivered as it stared at the glowing globule that shimmered a rainbow of colors. *You haven¡¦t won till you have killed me child. Do it.*

¡¦No, no matter what happens I don¡¦t kill.¡¦

*Foolish child.*

¡¦Not really.¡¦ With a slight flick of her wrist, the ball exploded throwing the animal into the wall. Jubilee looked at the female with trepidation, holding her hand out. ¡¦I only put him unconscious. I didn¡¦t want to hurt him.¡¦

A deep growl rumbled from the jaguar as it padded towards Jubilee, and then licked her hand. *He will live and so will you. Go, Xibalba awaits you.*

Jubilee frowned. ¡¦I don¡¦t get it, I thought I had to kill him.¡¦

*A true warrior knows his own strength and that the battle isn¡¦t always won by the amount of blood shed. Go.*

Picking the spear back up Jubilee walked to the stone entrance and peered into the darkness, unable to make out anything beyond the arch. Taking a deep breath, she strode in with the ring around her neck being to glow again.

Chapter Seven: Inheritance

A beast crept through the dark jungle, its senses aware of the teenagers only feet away. They had forgotten all caution and were currently arguing loudly about one of their members apparently lost in the dense greenery. Curious, the beast crept closer being careful to stay hidden and listened to the conversation...

¡¦All I¡¦m saying is that with certain members¡¦ certain talents, a thing like this could have been prevented.¡¦ Angelo paused long enough in his tirade to glare at Monet who was starting to loose her patience. Before she could respond, he started pacing again holding Jubilee¡¦s backpack in his hands. ¡¦I¡¦m not complaining...¡¦

¡¦But.¡¦ Paige glanced warily around. The dense foliage seemed to have gotten thicker overnight and a light drizzle had started. She tucked a damp strand of hair behind her ear as she peered at her PDA.

¡¦But,¡¦ Angelo continued, totally oblivious to Paige¡¦s slightly sarcastic remark. ¡¦It seems to me that we could have been warned that Jubilee was heading out into that!¡¦ He flung a hand, waving at some obscure threat lurking in the haze.

Monet eyes glinted dangerously, the only sign her temper was beginning to rise. ¡¦Jubilee has always been under the radar. Even if she was screaming at us mentally, we wouldn¡¦t get so much as a flicker. I¡¦d have a better chance finding a mall in this mess than get a lock on her...¡¦

Paige had been the first to notice that Jubilee had gone when the blond girl had characteristically risen in the early, gray dawn. Quiet observation had showed that Jubilee¡¦s tracks had disappeared several feet from the campsite, suddenly obscured by several animal tracks, some of them disturbingly large. By the time Paige had gotten back from investigating the rest of the team had been up, and Angelo had started his tirade.

The beast watched with interest as the teenagers argued among themselves until it heard its masters call. Slinking off into the jungle floor, it disappeared into the shadows.


The corridor was cool, the large stone slabs shielding her from sun as she walked deeper and deeper into the temple. The floor sloped downwards, the walls decorated with scenes from an age long gone, the colors still vivid in the protected environment. Jubilee pulled out her flashlight and clicked it on, the lone beam guiding her way into the darkness.


The voice was somber, that seemed to come from the very walls around her. Swallowing her fear, Jubilee swung the light around only to find herself alone. ¡¦Hello?¡¦

Greetings little dragon, welcome to my temple.

¡¦Hah..¡¦ Her breath caught in her throat as she unconsciously fingered the heavy ring around her neck. ¡¦Who is this?¡¦

I am the supreme being of the people, the master of dead, watcher of the realm and keeper of souls.

¡¦Got a nickname?¡¦

Jubilee could feel the presence around her like a blanket, and its amusement as it regarded her.

They call my Xibalba.

¡¦Muuuccch better.¡¦

Let me tell you a story, little dragon.

The colored panel to her right shimmered, as if the heat from the day had penetrated the depths of the temple. Choking back a gasp, Jubilee watched in wonder as the scene flowed into people moving around a courtyard. Children wearing nothing scampered around the adults, blowing whistles as they played an intricate game involving a leather ball in imitation of the more lethal adult game. In the distance a temple rose from the ground, dark and powerful even in the bright sunlight. The steps leading up were iridescent, flecks of light reflecting off of the drying blood. It had been a good day, a good battle. Their enemy had been defeated and their blood was adorning the temple in an offering to the God. Warriors paraded around the streets in their battle gear, reveling in the adoration of the women and children.

We were a great people, our city was beholden to no other. Then our people found a new enemy that subverted our lands, took our gold, and destroyed our cities.

The scene blurred and blackened, the streets filled with headless corpses and dark skies. No one was spared in the pillaging that happened, and Jubilee cringed at the very brutality of the men who screamed their victory to the heavens.

Jubilee walked a little further down to another panel, this time depicting two men standing over a fire that reached above their heads.

My people prayed to me for a champion, one who would save the city from ruin. I gave it to them.

The tallest man¡¦s face twisted, being deformed into nothing of this earth. His eyes grew larger, wider as the iris¡¦ elongated into thin slits. It was not a scene to watch at the best of times, and Jubilee fought down the urge to be sick several times as she watched the scene unfold. She could almost hear the bones break and bend in order to fit the terrible new form the priests had begged for.

They begged for a protector, a guardian to watch over the lands and restore peace. They did not ask the price for such a request.

Jubilee shivered, as the voice sounded almost apologetic. ¡¦What happened?¡¦

The guardian took back the lands and returned rightful rule to the great kings. But with
such power there is always a price to be paid and he was bitter. He betrayed us to the enemy, the ones from across the sea. We could have hidden in the forests, disappearing from the land around us for generations until we were strong enough to kill these invaders. My people died within their children's lifetime.

The presence wrapped itself around her shoulders, soothing and frightening at the same time, like the silky coils of a rattlesnake just before it bites.

One lived and escaped to keep my people¡¦s name traveling beyond the sea to distant lands. You are the last heir of my people and your great-uncle was to protect the line.

¡¦Uncle Peter! Where is he?¡¦ Shaking herself out of the reverie that was threatening to engulf her, Jubilee looked around expectantly as if he were hiding in the shadows the entire time. Her hand clutched the ring around her neck, feeling the now familiar ridges with a nervous hand.

Jubilation Lee you are the last surviving heir of my people.

A sob choked out, and Jubilee whirled around angrily trying to face her unseen companion. Her eyes flared bright blue as she ripped off the thin chain where she kept the ring and brandished it at the empty air. ¡¦I¡¦m supposed to believe a dead god that I¡¦m talking to in the middle of nowhere, that my only relative of over a month is dead?¡¦ Panic filled her eyes as she tried to get her bearings.

¡¦I¡¦m losing my mind or this is some kind of weird poison or fruit and I¡¦m really lying on the ground with a huge snake biting my ass or...or...something...¡¦ Fear welled up and she scrambled up the passage in what she hoped led to the exit. Her breathing was harsh and ragged in her ears as she stumbled in the blackness, her flashlight dropped and forgotten. When she finally couldn¡¦t run any further because of the intense pain in her side, she dropped to the ground sobbing. ¡¦¡¦

I shall do better little dragon, I shall give you your inheritance.


*Ya know, I heard dogs can do this.* Jono commented lightly as the team trekked through the overgrown plants on a trail that apparently only Angelo could detect.

¡¦Just because one of us is showing some initiative...¡¦ Angelo retorted.

¡¦Initiative is not wandering aimlessly in the blind hopes that we find Jubilee.¡¦ Monet snapped.

¡¦Shut up!¡¦ Paige barked at both of the boys as they drew near a overgrown building that seemed to be in the process of being drawn back into the jungle. What had caught her attention was the small figure in front of the entrance, protected from the sweltering sun by the shadow of the massive building.

A low growl stopped all of them in their tracks as the dark shadow beside Jubilee materialized into a massive jaguar. Angelo sucked in his breath, ready to launch at the animal when Monet held him back. The cat, seemingly unconcerned barely afforded them a glance before returning its head back onto Jubilee¡¦s lap.

The girl¡¦s eyes were closed, and her face was flushed as she sat cross-legged on the ground. Her breathing was shallow, coming in pants and tear stains marked her cheek. Jubilee¡¦s right hand smoothed the fur, combing the soft hair with soft strokes.

¡¦Oh crap.¡¦ Monet whispered. The words were barely out of her mouth when another jaguar appeared beside them. Like the other one, its tail flicked at them as if they were barely worth its notice, this one however did not allow them to move any closer to Jubilee, growling every time one of them attempted to step closer.

¡¦This is stupid.¡¦ Angelo argued while trying to twist himself out of Monet¡¦s viselike grip. ¡¦You¡¦re practically invulnerable, Paige can husk into diamond, Jono can blast the cat to kingdom come and I can get around it. Why the hell are we just standing here?¡¦

Jono nodded his head. *Fer once I agree with Ange here. We can take Jubes before these cats know what hits them.*

Monet shook her head, motioning at the air wavering around Jubilee. ¡¦No, there¡¦s more here than what we can see. Can¡¦t you feel it?¡¦

The instant she said it, they could all feel the overwhelming presence of another mind, larger and far more terrible, and yet protective of the young life within its walls. And then like a sudden explosion, she felt Jubilee¡¦s mind expand to the farthest reaches of possibility, the edges of sanity and back. A rush of emotions flooded her mind, as Jubilee¡¦s latent powers came into their own.

Jono¡¦s knees buckled under the sheer force, and as he glanced at Monet he could see her face contort as she struggled to contain and uphold her shields.

Sparks began to fly from her fingers, shooting white hot plasma that startled the huge cat away. Jubilee¡¦s eyes flew open and she screamed in pain as her eyes twisted, becoming long and narrow. Her body continued to shoot sparks, bursts of color flew everywhere until the light was so bright that everyone had to look away.

Shading her eyes, Paige was the only one who saw Jubilee¡¦s body dissolve into the light, a fierce creature re-emerging from Jubilee had stood only moments before. Stunned, Paige slowly walked up the creature, a huge beast that looked nothing like the mythical dragons of old.

Jubilee, or whatever she was now, was a deep gold color that glowed with each muscle movement. The essence of her facial features remained on the face, large slanting eyes with deep blue irises and high cheekbones that rose into a crest. Her body was long, and smooth and was coiled around itself as it hovered in the air.

Paige heard a voice roar as a challenge into the night, This is my champion!

The dragon flew up into the sky, stretching to its full length as it swooped over and around the trees, reveling in its flight. And then it flew up high into the sunlight, only to come barreling down at the temples entrance, exploding in a rainbow of colors.

All that was left was the still form of the girl, surrounded by smoking rubble and a pacing. When the team was finally able to adjust their eyes and went to the girl, they discovered that they couldn¡¦t wake her.


Fierce, hot adrenaline rushed in Jubilee¡¦s veins as she awoke in the depths of the temple once more. The power, the combined strength of what she had become blew her mind and she liked it. It was sweet and the need for blood became even stronger as she felt the beast¡¦s pull deep within her. ¡¦What do you want me to do?¡¦

You are my champion. You will protect our people from the traitor that killed us. We need our peace so that our people may rest in the land of dead. Avenge us. Avenge us!

The cry contained the voice of thousands of people, threatened with a fate far worse than death, but an eternity of torment. Each word made her blood boil, and she screamed with an urge so primal that pulsed and throbbed with each heartbeat. She would protect her people, she could not leave them to the fate that they endured now.

The traitor threatens this temple and therefore my people. If he destroys me then our people are doomed. Avenge us!

A roar rose in her throat, shedding her human body as the walls fell away revealing nothing but an open sky.

An answering cry made her whirl around to see a gray being launch itself at her, its teeth gleaming and terrible as it watched her with hot eyes. She just time to duck out of the way, its tail raking her side drawing first blood.

Jubilee breathed deeply, for the first time realizing how Wolverine must feel when the beast and human sides of himself battled for supremacy. In this body, the need to inflict pain was unbearable and the human side of herself a faint echo deep within. As the two beasts flew around each other, Jubilee had difficulty concentrating while controlling her body, unused to the limbs that had a power all their own.

The dragon tore another claw into her leg before Jubilee surrendered her control over the deep instinct pounding in her head, burning away all thought. It was unleashing Pandora¡¦s Box, a lifetime of repressing powers and an augmented mutation came to the fore with red-hot fury.

With glee Jubilee attacked the dragon with a fury, tasting its bitter blood like an aged wine. There was no pain, no fear, no concious...the thought made her pause and the rage filled eyes cleared to their deep blue. Her hand had ripped its back, the blood spurting between her fingers as she clutched his now broken ribs and tendons.


Jubilee¡¦s body spasmed, shaking and shivering in the drizzle that was still falling. Immediately husking into her diamond state, Paige gently covered her with a spare blanket from her back-pack. ¡¦What¡¦s going on with her?¡¦ She whispered.

A twig crunched behind the team, and the spun around to see a man holding out his arms to the light bundle in front of Paige. ¡¦I can help.¡¦


Jubilee recoiled in horror as she fought the craving to taste the liquid running down her hands. Drink...she shook her head. She didn¡¦t just want to drink, she wanted to bury her head in the hot flesh and let the world know of her victory. She wanted to tear the flesh that had dared to threaten her. Hands shaking, she backed away her eyes looking around wildly for the presence she sought.

¡¦Where are you?¡¦ Her voice was harsh, grating and painful to her ears. ¡¦Where are you?!¡¦

No-one answered and the creature in her hands shuddered, its eyes filled with hate as she forced herself to face it. Its face contorted as if trying to speak, but the only sounds that came out were of a long dead language that Jubilee couldn¡¦t understand.

The foreign words seemed to shape themselves in the very air, translating into words that she could understand. ¡¦Your god has abandoned you. He claims that I led to the destruction of your people, I had every right to claim vengeance on them. I called to your god for a salvation and he, in return, mutilated me into this.¡¦ A weak claw indicated the body. ¡¦I protected them but in return I was rejected by my family and people. No woman would touch me and my children feared me.¡¦

A surge of pity made Jubilee want to caress the brow of the beast, but distrust stopped her.

¡¦And the blood...I yearned for death and anger consumed me like nothing I had ever felt before. I had sold my soul for my people and I was shunned in return. I serve vengeance and in the end I was the one who need it. They deserved the deaths I bestowed upon them.¡¦

Jubilee shook, there was such pain within it and what made it worse was that she could understand why. The same emotions surged in her body, she understood the abandonment of family, the denial of friends and feeling of being deserted by any and all gods. She understood far too well, and another life could have been hers, bitter and twisted save for the four friends who came with her.

Her hand, now golden and clawed, came to rest on the creature¡¦s face. ¡¦What do you want?¡¦

¡¦I want peace.¡¦

Jubilee felt her form slide back into her own body, and she knelt beside it, suddenly very small against the massive bulk of flesh and scales. Running her hand along its side Jubilee smiled in wonder, no longer afraid. Its scales were cool and smooth, not hard to the touch but invulnerable like armor. She sighed and lay her head on the great beast's side. "Don't we all?"


Peter Lee was nothing like the man the teenagers had seen a little over a month ago, his once suave appearance was haggard and worn. His clothes were travel stained and he looked much older, his face more lined and thin. The jaguars greeted him with a sniff and an affectionately lick as he knelt beside his great-niece and scooped her up in his arms.

He turned to the children with a small, apologetic smile. "I had thought she wouldn't have had to do this for many more years. When I felt his call I left to try and convince him to wait, she is too young for such an act. Little did I know that she would follow me here when the postal system failed." He smiled down at the still bundle. "She has the tenacity of her mother."

Angelo wrenched himself free from Monet who was still holding on to him. " are supposed to be in some dark dungeon somewhere being held hostage for an insane amount money and we are supposed to rescue you. Why are you here?" Angelo turned to look at his friends who had let out a volley of sighs and groans. "What? No one here thought that was what was going on? Am I the only one living in the real world here?"

Patting his shoulder, Paige smiled. "Luckily, yes." Stepping forward she approached Jubilee's last remaining relative. "Sir, what's going on?"

A soft smile creased his face that was tinged with worry. "Little Jubilation came into her inheritance, once that she wasn't supposed to get for another decade or so."


"No, some might call it a curse."


For a few moments, there was just the sound of the dying breath of the creature. Then like a great wind, anger overwhelmed Jubilee and she felt the presence of the god.

Why haven't you killed him yet? He deserves to die for what he did!

"No one deserves to die alone and unhappy." Jubilee replied quietly.

If he does not die then our people will not be free, he will destroy us when he gets the chance. Do not me naive child!

"Naive?" Jubilee laughed mirthlessly. "I'm far from it. My parents are dead, my best friend was killed in an explosion, my so-called partner doesn't know where the hell I am and you just told me I'm all alone in the world. Innocence was lost long time ago. If you want you're freedom then we'll do it my way."

The sullen silence was answer enough for the young teenager. Jubilee lifted the heavy head into her lips, its large eyes dark and brooding as it regarded its killer. "What is your name?"

"I was called Kan-u-Uayeyab."

Words came unbidden, spoken again for the first time in hundreds of years, the speech flowing from a long hidden part of her soul. Jubilee let her mind touch the tortured man's being, sending warmth and reassurance. In a world where spells ruled the living and dead, he had spent a lifetime serving a god and that deserved something. Deep within his memories were spells and enchantments that he had spoken over the years, and one lay the very core. The one that ushered lost souls into the underworld.

Jubilee smiled and kissed the shiny head. "Yaxche branches are wide, its roots are deep, and shelters the weary and the lost in its shade. Xibalba calls you home to rest tired warrior, may you find peace. Yaxche calls you!"

A gust of breath burst of Kan-u-Uayeyab's chest and the being's scales tingled under her fingers as she watched it dissipate into nothingness. When it was gone she could hear the exultant cries of people joined by the monstrous roar of victory from the god. The joy was contagious, filling her like an intoxicating drink that bubbled in her very pores.


Later that week

"Care for a Coke ma'am?" The stewardess asked as she handed out salted peanuts.

"Yes, please." Jubilee accepted the can gratefully and gulped the drink down. "Do you realize it's been ages since I've had caffeine?" she asked Paige who was sitting on her right across the aisle.

"I was wondering when you were going to realize that." Paige chuckled as she sipped her guava juice. "You should try some of the juices here, you can't get anything like it in the States."

Shrugging noncommittally, Jubilee motioned for another can of pop. "Whatever. I'm just glad to be sitting in air conditioning, with my friends and Uncle Pete."

The older man squeezed her hand. "I am too, bau wu."

Jubilee's eyes grew soft for a moment. "I can't believe that I thought you were dead."

A silent chuckle sounded inside of her head. Little dragon, I merely said that you were the last surviving heir. You are your mother's child as well are you not?

*You knew what I would assume.* Jubilee retorted angrily.

Perhaps, but I do apologize for the misunderstanding. Jubilee could feel its curiosity as it "borrowed" her sense of taste and took a sip of Coke. Interesting, you say this is a popular drink among this time?

Jubilee sighed, taking a quick glance around the cabin to make sure no one was paying attention to her. *Aren't you supposed to be playing a harp or something right about now instead of hanging around in my head?*

I am no longer connected to my temple and can roam free, so I will stay for a while longer.

"Fantastic." Jubilee muttered.

"What is?" Angelo asked from his seat beside her. He had not left her side for the better part of the journey home, something which Jubilee was beginning to find extremely pleasant.

"This little souvenir that I picked up from our little adventure." Jubilee gestured to her head.

"What, the whole changing into a dragon thing?" Angelo looked at her curiously, as if he were trying to pick out the dragonesque features from her normal ones. Occasionally, if she wasn't paying too much attention her skin would start to turn gold with tiny smooth scales.

"No. The whole dead god in my head thing."

"You can get rid of him if you want." Monet supplied from her place beside Paige.

Jubilee stretched out in the seat, pleased that the hype of first class lived up to it's name. "Maybe, but I feel sorry for I don't mind. As long as he doesn't end up eating everything under the sun!" Jubilee stopped her hand full of nuts just short of her mouth.

*I bet Rogue could give you a few pointers.* Jono suggested and peered over the chair in front of him.*Hey, is that Sting?*

Two weeks later

When the team had arrived in Peter's mansion in Durban, they had found a very irate Emma, Sean and Jessica. After several hours of lectures (and surprisingly tears on Emma's part), the co-headmasters had agreed to let the children stay and take a vacation.

They had all spent the time on the beaches, learning how to surf, exploring the Indian district, walking in the many flea markets scattered around the town on Saturdays and enjoying the beautiful weather. It was in one of these quiet moments that they healed from their journey.

The day of their departure, they stood outside on the veranda saying good-bye. Dark clouds had finally appeared weighing heavily in the sky. Monet and Jonothon had already gotten into the taxi, having said their good-byes. Paige gave Jubilee a hug, Angelo snuck one last kiss (the first one having been given several days ago while watching the sunrise), and Sean had fondly given her a hug.

Emma put her hands on her hips. "Young lady, the next time I let you out of my sight and you're in trouble try not to get into quite so much." A smile quirked at her lips and she held her arms out.

Jubilee squeezed Emma tight. "I learn from the best Frost."

"No, ya learnt from the best and ya learnt from me kid." Wolverine drawled, catching Jubilee in his arms as she leaped towards him.

Emma supressed a sigh. "I believe that is what she was referring to."

The Canadian man was wearing combat fatigues and stubble sported on his chin. "Here I was, in the middle of Egypt doing mercenary work when I get word from Chuck that you've gone missing. I take it I'm too late?" He held out his hand to Peter. "I take it you must be Jubilee's great-uncle that I received a very long and complimentary letter about?"

Peter Lee bowed slightly. "And you must be the Wolverine I have heard so much about. Thank you for watching out for her."

"So, what happened?"

Everyone was silent and then started to unpack the taxi. Emma shrugged and went back into the house. "I guess we can take a later flight."

Wolverine looked at them in surprise. "Why would you need to take a later flight?"

Jubilee grinned. "You're not gonna believe it all and it's gonna take awhile. Trust me."


A/N: Finished! Yes! I hope you liked this. Please's ambrosia to the writer :)