The Man That Made My Momma Cry: Chapters 6-10

by Lady Yann



In the end Maggie seemed to be busy for the rest of the day. Standing in the hallway prepared to walk back into the room to ask Remy what all the fuss was about, she was called down to the Danger Room to work out with Bishop. Not long after that she was asked by Ororo to help with the shopping. That proved to be an interesting diversion.

The shopping spree went more like a trip to the mad house. Bobby and Kurt were arguing about who was going to ride shotgun. It was easily enough settled when Joseph climbed in, and sat next to Rogue, who was driving. Jean piled into the mini van along with Jubilee.

Jubilee didn・t understand the hostility that seemed to surround Wolvie, and this chick. She just saw Maggie as another rival for Wolverine・s attentions. She should be glad to have a pop like Wolvie for a dad. He was too cool.

For the most part Maggie managed to ignore the kid. She wasn・t stupid: she knew that the kid idolized Logan. Hey, who was she to blow the whistle on bad taste? The same pretty much went for that Kitty person too.

Even though there wasn・t much that she really need in the way of clothes, she found that these X-women loved to shop. There was no way that she was going to afford all of it. Yet the women seemed unconcerned with such things.

"You are now a ward of Professor Xavier. That entitles you to certain things," Ororo informed her. "You might as well relax and enjoy it."

"Besides," Jean said as she approached the pair, "you give us a chance to spoil you a bit. Now what harm can come of that?"

Jean heard the story from Scott. She looked at Maggie as if trying to see any of Logan in her. What she saw was Logan・s hostile bright blue eyes staring at her. Maggie long black hair flowed to her waist in a silken tangle. Jean saw a delicate heart shaped face. The color of her hair and skin said that she could have been part of a Native American tribe, or even of Spanish descent. Jean wasn・t sure. Like the professor, she had a hard time reading their newest charge.

Since Jean put it that way, Maggie let some of the tension drain away. She hated feeling like she was indebted to these people. Maggie was used to paying her own way. She knew that she・d have to pick up a part time job somewhere.

The lovely spring day turned dark and dreary as they headed back for the mansion. By the time that they reached home it was a full-fledged storm. Maggie hated storms; they always made her feel restless. She finished putting away her packages and headed for the music room. If she remembered right there was a piano in it.

With nobody else around Maggie gave herself up to the freedom of the music. When she was younger one of the nuns at the orphanage noticed Maggie・s talent for music and encouraged it. Maggie・s love of the piano offered her an escape for a few hours.

Maggie played by memory. Her moods were reflected in the music that she played. As she played her thoughts drifted. When she thought of her mother there was a sense of loss and longing. When she thought about her time in the orphanages the tones became despairing and lonely. When her thoughts turned to her time with the X-Men the tune became light and challenging. She thought briefly of her father and her music became hard and biting.

Maggie lost track of time. When the last notes of the music died away she realized that her fingers were sore and that she was hungry and thirsty. There was a moment of silence then someone began to clap. Other hands clapping quickly joined it. She looked around to find that she had an audience.

Professor X was a few doors down and heard the music first. When he saw who was playing he sat quietly and watched. With Maggie so relaxed it wasn・t hard for him to pick up the emotions that poured from her as she moved from one piece to another. Jean was drawn by the feelings that Maggie gave off, as was Nathan.

"Ah, cherie, that was beautiful." Remy bowed over her hand and kissed her fingertips.

"Beauteous and talented, you are definitely gifted," Hank told her as he patted her on the shoulder.

"That was way kwel," Jubilee gushed. "Can・t you play something a little more hip though?"

Maggie sat and thought about it for a moment and then turned around and played a little country and a little rock and roll. At Remy・s request she even managed a little New Orleans jazz.

When she looked up from the piano her gaze was caught and held by a pair of emerald green eyes. The look in them made the hair on her nape stand on end. She knew that she was staring into the eyes of death.

Victor Creed couldn・t put his finger on it but he knew this whelp from somewhere. His heart started to race when he caught wind of her. Her scent spoke of something wild, like him and that excited him.

The more the big guy stared the more that she felt nervous. The Professor and Jean exchanged worried glances with each other. They could feel those defenses slam back into place. Maggie couldn・t seem to breathe all of a sudden. She had to get out of there. With a cheerful ending she stopped playing.

"Okay, guys, my fingers are numb and I need to potty," Maggie tried very hard not to let her uneasiness show in her voice. She was surprised that it sounded normal.

"Great," Jean said trying to keep things normal. "Let・s eat."

For once she was glad that Logan had taken off that morning after Maggie and his argument in the kitchen. He was rarely around these days.

Maggie managed to duck out and head for her room. When she came out of her bathroom she wasn・t surprised to find Remy sitting on her bed.

"Okay, cherie, what・s got you so nervous?" Remy lit a cigarette and took a deep drag.

Maggie tried the delaying tactic, to see if that would work. She walked over to Remy and leaned in and took a drag of his cigarette. Maggie felt the rush of nicotine hit her system and enjoyed the rush.

"I don・t like the way da you be lookin' at Creed. You stay away from dat killer. Tu comprends?" Remy looked at her as if he totally expected her to bend to his rules.

For some reason that just did not sit well with Maggie. What the hell was Remy so nervous about?

"What・s up, Remy? What is it that has you so spooked about the guy? I thought he was pretty cute."

Yeah right. He was about as cute as a homicidal maniac could be. Yet she wasn・t goin to tell him that.

Remy could only stare at her as if she had grown two heads. He was attractive. Victor Creed was not. That should have been obvious to her.

"Look Cherie, if Victor Creed finds out who you are he will use that against you and Logan both."

As soon as the words came out of his mouth he knew that he goofed up. The look in her crystal blue eyes told him so.





In the end Maggie seemed to be busy for the rest of the day. Standing in the hallway prepared to walk back into the room to ask Remy what all the fuss was about, she was called down to the Danger Room to work out with Bishop. Not long after that she was asked by Ororo to help with the shopping. That proved to be an interesting diversion.

The shopping spree went more like a trip to the mad house. Bobby and Kurt were arguing about who was going to ride shotgun. It was easily enough settled when Joseph climbed in, and sat next to Rogue, who was driving. Jean piled into the mini van along with Jubilee.

Jubilee didn・t understand the hostility that seemed to surround Wolvie, and this chick. She just saw Maggie as another rival for Wolverine・s attentions. She should be glad to have a pop like Wolvie for a dad. He was too cool.

For the most part Maggie managed to ignore the kid. She wasn・t stupid: she knew that the kid idolized Logan. Hey, who was she to blow the whistle on bad taste? The same pretty much went for that Kitty person too.

Even though there wasn・t much that she really need in the way of clothes, she found that these X-women loved to shop. There was no way that she was going to afford all of it. Yet the women seemed unconcerned with such things.

"You are now a ward of Professor Xavier. That entitles you to certain things," Ororo informed her. "You might as well relax and enjoy it."

"Besides," Jean said as she approached the pair, "you give us a chance to spoil you a bit. Now what harm can come of that?"

Jean heard the story from Scott. She looked at Maggie as if trying to see any of Logan in her. What she saw was Logan・s hostile bright blue eyes staring at her. Maggie long black hair flowed to her waist in a silken tangle. Jean saw a delicate heart shaped face. The color of her hair and skin said that she could have been part of a Native American tribe, or even of Spanish descent. Jean wasn・t sure. Like the professor, she had a hard time reading their newest charge.

Since Jean put it that way, Maggie let some of the tension drain away. She hated feeling like she was indebted to these people. Maggie was used to paying her own way. She knew that she・d have to pick up a part time job somewhere.

The lovely spring day turned dark and dreary as they headed back for the mansion. By the time that they reached home it was a full-fledged storm. Maggie hated storms; they always made her feel restless. She finished putting away her packages and headed for the music room. If she remembered right there was a piano in it.

With nobody else around Maggie gave herself up to the freedom of the music. When she was younger one of the nuns at the orphanage noticed Maggie・s talent for music and encouraged it. Maggie・s love of the piano offered her an escape for a few hours.

Maggie played by memory. Her moods were reflected in the music that she played. As she played her thoughts drifted. When she thought of her mother there was a sense of loss and longing. When she thought about her time in the orphanages the tones became despairing and lonely. When her thoughts turned to her time with the X-Men the tune became light and challenging. She thought briefly of her father and her music became hard and biting.

Maggie lost track of time. When the last notes of the music died away she realized that her fingers were sore and that she was hungry and thirsty. There was a moment of silence then someone began to clap. Other hands clapping quickly joined it. She looked around to find that she had an audience.

Professor X was a few doors down and heard the music first. When he saw who was playing he sat quietly and watched. With Maggie so relaxed it wasn・t hard for him to pick up the emotions that poured from her as she moved from one piece to another. Jean was drawn by the feelings that Maggie gave off, as was Nathan.

"Ah, cherie, that was beautiful." Remy bowed over her hand and kissed her fingertips.

"Beauteous and talented, you are definitely gifted," Hank told her as he patted her on the shoulder.

"That was way kwel," Jubilee gushed. "Can・t you play something a little more hip though?"

Maggie sat and thought about it for a moment and then turned around and played a little country and a little rock and roll. At Remy・s request she even managed a little New Orleans jazz.

When she looked up from the piano her gaze was caught and held by a pair of emerald green eyes. The look in them made the hair on her nape stand on end. She knew that she was staring into the eyes of death.

Victor Creed couldn・t put his finger on it but he knew this whelp from somewhere. His heart started to race when he caught wind of her. Her scent spoke of something wild, like him and that excited him.

The more the big guy stared the more that she felt nervous. The Professor and Jean exchanged worried glances with each other. They could feel those defenses slam back into place. Maggie couldn・t seem to breathe all of a sudden. She had to get out of there. With a cheerful ending she stopped playing.

"Okay, guys, my fingers are numb and I need to potty," Maggie tried very hard not to let her uneasiness show in her voice. She was surprised that it sounded normal.

"Great," Jean said trying to keep things normal. "Let・s eat."

For once she was glad that Logan had taken off that morning after Maggie and his argument in the kitchen. He was rarely around these days.

Maggie managed to duck out and head for her room. When she came out of her bathroom she wasn・t surprised to find Remy sitting on her bed.

"Okay, cherie, what・s got you so nervous?" Remy lit a cigarette and took a deep drag.

Maggie tried the delaying tactic, to see if that would work. She walked over to Remy and leaned in and took a drag of his cigarette. Maggie felt the rush of nicotine hit her system and enjoyed the rush.

"I don・t like the way da you be lookin' at Creed. You stay away from dat killer. Tu comprends?" Remy looked at her as if he totally expected her to bend to his rules.

For some reason that just did not sit well with Maggie. What the hell was Remy so nervous about?

"What・s up, Remy? What is it that has you so spooked about the guy? I thought he was pretty cute."

Yeah right. He was about as cute as a homicidal maniac could be. Yet she wasn・t going to tell him that.

Remy could only stare at her as if she had grown two heads. He was attractive. Victor Creed was not. That should have been obvious to her.

"Look Cherie, if Victor Creed finds out who you are he will use that against you and Logan both."

As soon as the words came out of his mouth he knew that he goofed up. The look in her crystal blue eyes told him so.






The little chit・s head barely came up to his massive chest. Yet the expression in her eyes as she played: She had that look of utter serenity. For a while that too had lulled him. He longed for that peace and she managed to give it to him. It was when she looked up at him with those crystal eyes and locked gazes with him that he really saw her. There was such an inner strength in her and innocence, all of the things that he was not. He felt humbled by her. He knew that she would not be the type to be dominated by him and that meant a challenge.

He waited for her to come down stairs. Creed wasn・t stupid; he knew that any sudden movements on his part would probably land him on his ear in the front yard. At least the X-runts would try.

Remy came down the long stairs and glared at Creed as he stalked past. Creed wondered briefly what had gotten into him. Maggie soon followed and that drove that thought out of Creed's head. She bounced down the stairs with a youthful abandon. He watched as she tossed her braided hair back over her shoulder.

Maggie could feel someone watching her. Her steps slowed as she reached the end of the long staircase. It was that man that watched her so intently while she played. Maggie watched him with the same intensity that he was watching her. She took in the long blond hair that was pulled back into a ponytail. He was a big guy that was certain. She guessed that his height was somewhere around 6・6. If his size alone didn・t scare people she was pretty sure that the look in his eyes would.

Creed grinned to himself. She was certainly a bold cat. She stared back at him with equal the intensity. He admired that.

"What? Do I have something hanging from my nose?" Maggie asked with just a touch of insolence in her voice.

"Nope, you're perfect," Creed replied softly.

Maggie was startled that anyone that looked as fierce as him could make such a sensitive complement. His voice had a silken purr about it. She couldn・t help it she gave him a nice big smile.

"Thanks," Maggie said as she came the rest of the way down the stairs.

"I・m Maggie Fox, you are・" she let the rest of her sentence fade away.

"The name is Victor Creed. Most people just call me Creed or Sabretooth." He gently grasped her small hand in his and waited for a reaction from her.

Maggie laughed up at him. With a twinkle in her eyes she said, "Most people call me a pain in the butt, but you can call me Maggie. Creed or Sabretooth, huh? How about I call you, Vic. I like it much better."

"Sure, whatever." Creed realized that she still hadn・t let his hand go. "You know not that I am complaining but I might need that for dinner you know."

Maggie never batted an eyelash. She simply smiled and replied, " Well I might give it back. Come on let・s eat; I am starved."

There seemed to be some nervous tension in the room as they walked in. Maggie could feel it teasing the edge of her senses.

"Wonder what has them so spooked," she muttered under her breath. She let Vic・s hand go.

"What makes you think that?" he leaned over and whispered to her.

"I can smell it," she whispered back. He just looked at her and took a slight sniff in the room.

"Ah dere you be, cherie. I t'ought dat I be havin' to come after you," Remy had his most charming smile on his face as he gently took her arm and led her over to the side of the table that held all the X-Men. Yet it was his eyes that told her how upset he was. They glowed with a suppressed anger.

"Sorry I held everything up," she said with a smile trying to break the tension in the room. "Everything looks great. Let・s eat I・m starved."

With that everyone dug in. Soon the jokes were flying and food being tossed around and the general atmosphere with everyone relaxed. Maggie seemed to be stuck as the center of attention between two men, Creed on the one side of the table and Remy who sat next to her. Just as Maggie thought everything was going to be all right, her keen ears told her that Logan was home.

"The runt・s home," Creed muttered under his breath. When he heard Maggie snort slightly under her breath he glanced up at her. The anger that radiated from her was intense.

Logan had done a lot of thinking while he was gone. He decided that while Maggie may have the right to be totally pissed at him that didn・t mean that the two of them couldn・t work out their problems. He however wasn・t prepared for coming home and finding that the X-Force was visiting. That meant Sabretooth was here too, near his baby.

Remy could feel the sudden tension in the room. He glanced quickly at Maggie. He didn・t like the look in her eyes. She looked at him without really seeing him and smiled a feral smile.

Logan stalked into the room without really saying anything other than hello to the professor. He took the only seat that was open, next to Maggie. He glanced at her and she looked at him as if he・ d grown two heads. The warmth that had shown in her eyes died out. Logan felt a heavy weight in his chest.

Maggie looked back at Creed and tried to ignore Logan sitting right next to her.

"So, Vic, where is it that you said you were from?" Maggie smiled at Creed.

Creed wasn・t sure what was going on between the runt and this girl but she sure didn・t like the runt sitting next to her. Then Creed did a double take and really looked at them both. Then the truth hit him. She was Logan・s kid. It also struck him as funny that she hated him so bad. He started to chuckle and before he knew it he was laughing like there would be no tomorrow.

Maggie and Logan looked at him like he had lost his mind. Slowly around the dinner table people had stopped talking to see what was making Creed laugh so hard.

"She hates you, runt. As bad as I do," Creed snarled.

With that Creed launched himself at Logan. He was careful that his claws didn・t touch Maggie. Maggie fell over in her chair at the sudden attack. She watched at the power of Sabretooth・s leap catch and carry Logan through the window behind them.

For a moment she lay there and listened to the sounds of fierce battle going on in the front lawn around her people were scrambling to break up the fight. Then she got mad. How dare he. She shook off the helping hand that Remy was trying to offer her. Maggie・s strong flexible body flipped her up on to her feet. She whirled to see them viciously fighting in the lawn.

Maggie was pumped. She jumped down through the open window and pushed her way through the crowd that was watching. She yelled at the top of her lungs. That didn・t seem to faze either of them so she got in between them. Sabretooth almost speared her at the end of his claws. Logan stopped in mid-punch. Both of the men were breathing hard and glaring at each other.

"Stop it! Just stop it the both of ya. Are you nuts?" Maggie glared at them both.

"Get outta the way, girl, before you get hurt!" Logan growled at her.

"You have no right in tellin' me what to do, Dad," she spat at him.

Her voice had taken on a growl of it・s own. Behind her Creed looked at Logan with a smirk on his face. Then Maggie whirled and looked at him.

"As for you, Mister, just who do you think that you are? Here I was thinkin' that you were a pretty nice guy. Somehow all the rumors I heard about you were over exaggerated and then you pull this shit. What ever the beef is between you and him is going to have to wait. If anyone gets to kill him it・s me. You got that?" Maggie glared at him daring him to challenge her. She was magnificent when she was mad.

"Go ahead kid, you can have him." Creed turned and walked back into the mansion.

Maggie sighed and turned to look at Logan. He was staring at her. Logan waited till everyone else had gone back into the house.

"Don・t ever do that again, young lady," he growled at her.

"Do what, Logan?" Maggie asked. Her energy was spent and she was left emotionally exhausted.

"Don・t play innocent with me, kid. You know what I・m talking about." Logan was furious. He reached out and grabbed her arm and turned her around to face him. "You could have been killed!"

"What the hell do you care? Besides, Vic wouldn・t hurt me." Her blue eyes were flashing with fury. "Let・s not kid ourselves here, Logan. You don・t give a crap about me and I got over that a long time ago. So let's save ourselves a lot of embarrassment. You don・t try to play dad and I・ll do my best to stay the hell away from you." She turned and headed back into the house.





The next morning found Maggie out on her usual morning run. Her thoughts of last night pounded in her head. She had been shocked to see the look of pain that came from Logan・s eyes. Her thoughts turned over inside of her head. She really wasn・t paying attention to the presence watching her. Not till she came around the curve in the path.

Her breathing was steady and even. Yet something told her that someone was watching her. Her keen ears picked up the snap of a stray twig. She whirled to face that direction.

"Okay, Bish, I got you! Come on out," Maggie hollered. After a few heartbeats she was shocked to find that it wasn・t Bishop that stepped out. Creed dropped his long body out of the trees a few feet from her.

"What do you want?" Maggie looked at him curiously. Creed didn・t hear any hate in her voice nor did he smell fear coming from her. She just stood waiting for him to answer her.

"Sorry about last night." He didn・t look like the type of man that apologized often. "Your old man an' me been fighting so long, I doubt that he even remembers why it all started." Creed crouched down next to her in the grass; he plucked a blade of grass and stuck it in his mouth.

Maggie looked at him for a long moment. Creed wore the costume that struck fear in the hearts of so many men. His long blonde hair fluttered and danced in the morning breeze. Yet it was that look in his eyes that tore at her.

"It・s not easy is it?" she asked. "It・s not easy lettin' the beast go after a while? That・s what you came lookin' for me for, isn・t it?" Creed started at her, startled by her insight.

   "You ain・t one of those mind pickers are ya, frail?" He was starting to get worked up.

"Nah, man. I can see it. It・s in your eyes if you look hard enough," Maggie said with honesty. "You・re like one of those big cats that you see in the zoo. They are so beautiful, wild, and trapped. They know it and so do you if you stare into their eyes long enough. You got that same look. Trapped in the wildness and torn between havin` to be human or an animal."

Creed pondered what she said for a few minutes and looked at her again. Her eyes held none of the judgment that he often found in other people・s eyes.

"You done, frail?" He gestured towards that path that she ran every day.

"Yeah, I ・m cool. Let・s jet. " She sniffed the morning air. "Someone has got a pot of coffee going with my name on it." She noticed him staring at her.

"Look, I got me one of those built in super sniffers too. I can hear a pin drop almost anywhere in that house." Maggie waited for his reaction.

"Does it bug ya?" Creed asked, gracefully rising to his full height. He towered over her yet Maggie wasn・t afraid.

  "Nope, not really" she said. "It used to piss the nuns off though." Creed looked at her inquisitively. "You know, always knowing what was being said around me. Oh and guessin' what was my Christmas present was." Creed smiled at that.

The rest of the day went pretty smooth for Maggie. Creed・s team took off for places unknown and Maggie spent the rest of her day in the danger room working with Bishop. She was surprised that she managed to keep her head as calm as she was during these workouts till today. Bishop seemed to take pleasure in goading and taunting her. He pushed and pushed her to her limits. Still, he never got a clean shot in.

Up in the control room was another story, though. Scott and the Professor were up there monitoring the progress of Maggie when Logan and Remy walked in. Scott was in the process of telling them that the next part of the Danger Room was being set so that they had to work together.

Logan and Remy watched as she did her stuff. It was set as a post apocalyptic setting. The mission was to search out and find survivors and to keep from getting caught. Remy glanced over at the control panel and noticed that it was set to Bishop・s training level.

"Er, maybe ol` Remy don・t know nothin' about training rooms but dat not a little high for dat petite?" Remy asked Scott.

"Trust me, Maggie is ready for it." Scott replied. "Now sit and watch or go do something else."

Together Maggie and Bishop began moving through the rubble. There were droids moving all over the place but they never seemed to pick up on Maggie or Bishop.

"We have noticed that electronic tracking systems seem to not work on Maggie," the Professor said. "We think it is her bio-electrical field that makes it almost impossible to see her with scanners. I am having Forge fly in to do a little testing on her to see if he can create something that will also mask other mutants."

Logan said nothing and just watched as Maggie uncovered various survivors. Then the attack came. Bishop was the one that had been targeted. Logan and Remy watched almost holding their breathe as Maggie and Bishop worked together. It seemed like she was everywhere. Her slim figure danced and dodged laser blasts.

"She pretty good, mon ami. "Remy said. Just then one of the droids got a lucky shot in and hit her square in the chest. Her vitals dropped and then picked back up as her healing factor kicked in. The metal counter under Logan・s hands almost crumpled as he watched.

Maggie felt like her entire chest was on fire. She gave into the beast. Her chest hurt so she went in to do some damage. She popped bone claws out of the back of her knuckles and waded into the fight.

All Maggie could feel was the savage joy as these things tore beneath her claws. She used them as climbing spikes, driving them into the legs of her prey as she clawed her way up to the more vital parts of the machine. The beast enjoyed the scream of metal as her claws did her deadly work. There was no pulling in the beast as the last target fell. Maggie rode it down. Ready to shred what ever came her way.

Bishop was ready to fend her off. He even felt a tinge of fear at the look in her eyes. This was not something that he really wanted to deal with. Yet he knew after years of working with Logan that he needed to keep calm or she was going to either try to hurt him or he would end up hurting her.

Up in the control room the tension ran high, as they waited to see what Maggie would do next.

"She went berserk," Scott said as he watched her vital signs and saw that they were running on the high side.

"Duh, ya think," Logan muttered under his breath. "I・m goin' down." He started for the door pulling his costume hood over his face.

"Wait," the Professor・s voice commanded. "Logan, if you go down there now in the state that she is in she may very well step over the edge. Remy, you go."

Remy nodded and dropped his half-smoked cigarette in his coke can. He wasn・t sure what the Professor had in mind but he knew that look in her eyes. He had seen it too many times reflected in Logan・s eyes. Remy also knew that Logan was very concerned for Maggie and after this he was beginning to think that he had a right to be.

Maggie was in a state of pain and confusion. Her chest burned where the Sentinel had blasted her in the chest. The rage that she was feeling was boiling right below the surface. Her toys were broken and she still wanted to play. Bishop had maneuvered himself in a way that if she took it into her head to come after him: he was in a good defense posture.

Maggie was vaguely aware of someone else near by. She sniffed the wind and picked up the scent of Bishop. She never seemed to notice the Danger Room doors slide open and Remy walking in. Maggie realized that she had gone too far and struggled in vain to pull back the beast. She also understood the power of it.

From above things didn・t look that bad but as Remy walked into the room he realized that she was holding on by a thread. The front of her costume was blown away and blood slowly dripped down from her chest. Her claws dripped wetly from where they busted through her knuckles. He knew that there was nothing like pain and anger to make Logan crazy.

"Ahhh, dere you are, cherie; Miller time, no?" Gambit said keeping his voice as neutral as he could. "Maybe you play dat music maker later for me, no? Petite, you are bleeding all over Scotty・s nice clean floor. You know dat he goin to have fits on dat one, no? Come on, we git you cleaned up."

"Remy, git outta here!" Maggie growled at him. She didn・t want anyone seeing her like this. She knew what she was capable of and it scared the hell out of her.

"Come on, petite, I seen worse. I had done worse too." Gambit took a chance and reached for her gently. "Bishop he be fine. No danger dere, cherie. You know dat worry ol` Remy. You bleeding and need Bete to take a look at you, oui?・ Maggie flexed the muscles in her forearm and her claws popped back into her hands with a wet sound and a fresh splatter of blood.

"Okay, Remy." Her voice came as if down a long tunnel and then everything went black. Remy caught her as she passed out.

   It never failed to make Beast wonder at the remarkable healing factor that Logan had nor was it any real surprise to him that Maggie had inherited the same thing. He always was left wondering at the wounds that healed without a scar, wounds that in most people would kill them outright. Remy carried Maggie in and gently laid her on one of the examining tables.

"A rose no matter the strength and beauty of it is still a flower. What has laid low our beauteous and talented Maggie?" Beast inquired as he began examining her.

"Ol・ Scotty he push da petite too hard in da Danger Room." Remy replied. Jean bustled her way past Remy and began undressing the unconscious Maggie. Remy moved out of the field of sight but not before catching a glimpse of smooth honey colored skin.

<"Remy, why don・t you go wait in the hallway?" >Jean・s mental voice came into his head. There was a slight censuring tone. He realized that she caught him peaking and blushed. Remy found Logan out there waiting on him.

Logan looked calm as ice but Remy knew better. Underneath it all he was stewing.

"How・s the kid?" Logan asked. He was trying to act as casually as he could but his hands shook as he lit the tip of his cigar.

"Oh I t'ink da petite is going to be okay, Logan." Remy tried to put his mind to rest. "She did pretty good out dere, no?"

"Yeah, great," he said with a thoughtful look. "But she got careless. She let the beast go and lost herself in it. That・s something she・s going to have to work on."

"Da cherie has us, oui? We help her work dis out." Just as Remy lit his own cigarette Scott came around the corner.

"You know there is a no smoking policy near the Med-labs," Scott said as he approached.

"Git over it, Slim," Logan, growled. "Beside, we wouldn・t be here if ya had done your job right. Ya should have known that Maggie wasn・t ready for that crap." Now there was someone to finally vent his frustrations on.

"No one knew, Logan," came the Professor・s smooth voice. "Maggie keeps herself bottled up so tight that unless we want to hurt her we can・t read her. If we force the issue then it destroys the trust that we have been trying to establish with her. With the exception of Remy and Creed she hasn・t formed any close personal friendships with anyone else here."

"What da ya mean except for Remy and Creed? I see her all the time jokin' with the others." Logan looked concerned.

"Yes, she laughs and she jokes with them but she never lets her guard down long enough to let other people see her," the Professor said. "We have noticed that with Remy and Victor Creed she allows them inside her circle, inside her defenses. I will be trying to make an effort into seeing what is going on with her but not at the cost of damaging that fragile trust that we have begun to build. She will be turning 18 in a few short weeks and after that she will no longer be my ward. She then has the right to choose to stay or to go."

"Remy, she is asking for you." Beast said as he stuck his head outside the doors. When he saw who all was gathered he stepped further into the hallway.

"How is she, Beast?" Logan growled at him. He hated this helpless feeling.

"Well I must say that she has a remarkable healing system: unfortunately, it's not as good as yours Logan. While the wounds that she sustained would prove to be fatal to someone of lesser constitution and she will heal, just not heal as quickly as you would, my feral friend. She should be back up and running circles around everyone tomorrow afternoon," Beast said with a smile. "Meanwhile our Maggie is requesting the license plate of that truck that ran her over. Yet I thought she was injured in the danger room?

Scott couldn・t help himself he chuckled at Beast・s last remarks.

"The apple certainly didn・t fall from the tree did it, Logan." He smiled at his companion. It took Logan a minute to realize that he was joking with him.






Maggie wasn・t sure what was going on. She woke up to Hank's concerned face peering down at her. Then he spewed some long- winded rubbish about having a concussion and some broken ribs, but that was about all that she was really able to understand. Her whole body felt like it had been run over a couple of times by a garbage truck.

"Remy?" She managed to croak out through dry lips.

Hank was busy inserting a painkiller into her IV bag and didn・t hear her. She saw that she was going to get no response out of the well- meaning doctor she tried to get up out of bed.

"Oh, my stars and garters!" Beast said with some surprise, "You aren・t going anywhere young lady."

"Remy, please・" Her voice was so soft that Beast had to lean down to her what she said. "And the plate number to that garbage truck・."

Beast looked like he really wanted to change her mind, but he simply turned and walked out the door. She could vaguely hear the sounds of her father growling at Scott, and then the hushed tones of the professor. After a few minutes Remy pushed open the door and peered into the room. He acted like he was almost afraid of what he might find.

"Dere ya are, cheri. Dat is a scared you give, ol・ Remy." His red on black eyes was filled with such concern that it made Maggie・s eyes fill with tears. He looked even more concerned when the tears started a slow trek down her cheek.

"Hush now, don・ you be given any reason for ol・ Bete to kick Remy outta here." Remy gently wiped the tears that were falling even faster from her cheek.

"I am sorry that you got sent in after the animal." Maggie whispered to him. She was so tired of being afraid and lonely. She hated feeling like she had to be strong all the time.

"Cyclops sending me away now?" She asked in a very quiet voice. "I mean after all he・s all ready got one animal on the team he doesn・t need two."

Remy was shocked. How could this poor girl think such a thing? Then it dawned on him as to what the professor and Jean already suspected. She had been in and out of so many foster homes that she was scared that she didn・t have a place.

"I, Remy Euttine Lebeau, other wise know as Gambit, do here by swear that if Cyke tries to send you away, he will have to answer to me. Nobody is going to send you away. After all, petite, who is going to play that stuffy classical stuff for da Professor and Hank? Who is going to change the lyrics to the songs and put Bobby・s name in them? Who is goin・ to make Bishop chocolate chip-peanut butter cookies?" Remy knew that he was acting silly but he couldn・t help himself. He had to get rid of the desolation that lurked in her eyes.

"Okay, Remy, " she sighed and turned onto her side with a wince.

The painkiller that Beast put into her IV bag was already going to work. "Stay with me till I go to sleep please."

"Sure Petite."

Remy reached out and smooth her baby fine hair back from her forehead. Remy had never had someone that just needed him. Oh, he had something that other people needed from him, but he had never been need, something in his cynical heart gave way. In an instant, Remy entertained an idea that made even him pause, with startling clarity he realized one thing. He was in love with her, and that in its self made him pause. She was almost ten years his junior. How could he go and do something so stupid. Logan was going to kill him







Maggie had been threatening Hank・s personal parts for hours. The sterile white walls just reminded her too much of the orphanages that she grew up in. In the end Logan stepped in and took the decision out of Hank・s hands. He just scooped her up out of the bed and carried her upstairs. That left Maggie very much surprised.

She rolled over to take a look at her bedside clock. She was somewhat surprised to find that it was all ready around noon. A flash of red caught her eye in the mirror. Sitting on the desk was the biggest bouquet of flowers she had ever seen. She hopped up out of her bed and gingerly touched one petal with a finger. The scent of roses, mums, and daisies were too much for her to resist, as Maggie stuck her nose into it she noticed a hand made card." A beautiful bouquet for a lovely lady on her special day," the card was signed by Scott and Jean. Maggie judged that by bold handwriting on the card Scott had signed it. Maggie did a quick mental count and yep sure enough it was that day again. Now she was really wondering what the rest of the day had planned for her. She grabbed a quick shower and headed out of her room. Standing outside of her room was Bobby.

" Bobby, what are you doing out here?" she asked him.

"Waiting on you," he said with a grin. In his hands he held a blindfold.

"And what is that for?" Maggie asked with an arched eyebrow.

"What? This? This is for you," Bobby gently turned her around and settled the blindfold over her eyes. "Okay, kiddo, now on for your surprise."

With that he took her gently by the hand and very carefully led her out. Maggie could tell by the sounds of the house that everyone seemed to have gathered by the back patio.

"Robert Drake what the hell is going on? Why is everyone waiting outside?"

With a quick twist off came her blind fold. Maggie could see various X-Men all standing around yelling, "Happy Birthday, Maggie!" 

Maggie was simply stunned. She was at loss as to what to say. It looked like Night Crawler and Colossus manning the BBQ pit wearing big tall chief hats and frilly aprons. Scott was smiling at her with a bowel of potato salad in his hands. Jean and Storm were placing presents on a table that all ready over flowed. There were two people that she didn・t see in the crowd. One was her father and the other was Remy. It did not bother her not seeing her father there. That didn・t surprise her in the least. Remy not being there, that left a hurt feeling somewhere in her chest.

"Happy Birthday Maggie," Bobby said, as he kissed her cheek.

"Thanks, Bobby," Maggie smiled up at him with tears in her eyes.

"Oh, now don・t go and do that," Bobby said as he gently brushed a tear from her cheek, "The ladies will think that you don・t like their efforts."

Remy watched the by- play between the two, as jealousy burned in his heart. He couldn・t hear what was being said, but he didn・t like the way that Maggie smiled up at Bobby. Her crystal blue eyes were sparkling as she threw her arms around Bobby for a quick hug. Remy was so intent that he didn・t even hear Jean・s soft foot steps as she came over to stand next to him.

"Don・t make a mountain out of a molehill, Remy," she said.

Remy had to exert his self-control to act nonchalant.

"Bout・ what, cheri?" Remy asked as he lit a cigarette.

Jean smiled a little half smile.

"Who are you trying to fool? You don・t need to be a telepath to see what shines in your eyes every time that you look at her. You just may be surprised at the results," Jean said as she moved away from him.

When Remy glanced over at Maggie he found her staring straight at him. She watched him with that animal intensity. Remy grinned at her and enjoyed watching her return grin spreading over her face. Keeping eye contact he found himself moving through the crowd of well-wishers.

"Happy Birthday, petite," Remy said, looking down into her eyes.

Maggie felt her heart quicken, as she watched the pulse pound in his neck.

"Thanks, Remy," Maggie tilted her face up just as Remy leaned in to kiss her cheek. His kiss missed the spot on her cheek and landed gently on her lips.

Maggie was too shocked to move at first, but then her lips parted slightly as her breath mingled with Remy・s.

"Do ya mind getting your lips off my daughter, Cajun?" Logan stood there glaring at Remy.

Maggie felt weak in her knees from Remy・s kiss. She hadn・t heard what her father had said.

Remy jerked back as if he had been shot. There were a few nervous titters from the rest of the X-Men. Maggie stared at her father as if he had lost his mind before her temper kicked in.

"Are you going to growl at Scott, Hank, and Bobby too?" She snapped at him.

The gentleman in question looked at each other nervously.

"Nah," Logan replied with a straight face. "They weren・t kissing you while I was trying to give you your Birthday present."

That took some of the starch out of Maggie・s sail. She didn・t see any package on him.

"Okay, I・ll bite. What present?" Her curiosity peeked.

Logan reached into his jacket and pulled out an envelope. As he handed it to her he said. "I hope that you will use it."

Maggie took the envelope from her father gingerly. She looked to see if there was any writing on the outside, but found it blank.

"Are ya goin' ta open it or what, sugar?" Rogue asked.

Maggie lifted the edge of the envelope and pulled out a birthday card. The outside was sentimental and sweet. Inside the card was a smaller envelope. As Maggie opened that up she glanced at her father to see his impassive face. The smaller envelope contained a contract for an apartment in New York City, as well as a key.

"Well, what is it Maggie?" Ororo asked.

"A key to an apartment in New York City." Maggie・s mind raced. "What・s this for?" She asked her father.

"Well," He said clearing his throat. "I over heard you talkin to Peter about finding a place in the city soon cause ya wantin' ta try your hand at makin' music. I found a little place down in Greenwich Village pretty cheap. I didn・t want ya tryin' ta shack up in a place with five or six people."

Maggie・s first impulse was to throw it back in her father・s face, and then she looked up into his eyes. Maggie realized that he didn・t want her to have to struggle and that she had her dreams to follow on her own.

"Thanks Dad." Maggie said. "I really appreciate it."

Then she hugged him. As his strong arms went around her, she realized that this was what she had been missing by keeping him at arms length.

"Is it furnished?" She asked him, as they pulled apart.

"No, why?" He looked at her puzzled.

"Good, now you have to go furniture shopping with me." Maggie said, as she grinned at him. She knew full well that he hated to go shopping.

Logan swallowed and started to thing of an excuse to get out of it then it hit him; she was offering to spend some time with him.

"Vell, dat・s all vell and good, Logan and Maggie, but the rest of us vould like to kiss the birthday girl." Peter teased them. He scooped Maggie up in his big arms and soundly gave her a big wet smack on the lips.

"That・s how we wish a "Happy Birthday," in the Mother Country," He said to Maggie in Russian.

"Thanks, Peter. Can you put me down now?" She replied to him in Russian. The others looked at her in surprise.

"Best wishes, Maggie," Curt said to her in German. He leaned in and gave her a very respectable kiss on the cheek.

"Thanks, Curt," she replied back in German, enjoying the shocked expressions around her.

"You speak German and Russian?" Scott asked.

"I didn・t, till I came here. With music I hear undertones and it・s the same with languages, I can hear the music. These guys," Maggie gestured towards Peter and Curt, "took the time to teach me, but I do need a little work with my accent."

"Dah, " Peter said, "She will soon sound like a native Russian or German."

"Well, that・s nice, but let・s party, "Jubilee said with a grin.

Maggie found herself being passed around as everyone danced and ate. Yet she found no opportunity to talk to Remy. The more that she thought about it she realized that she had not seen him since that kiss. She was so preoccupied with her thoughts that she hadn・t noticed that the guys had brought out the piano.

"Maggie, we were hoping that since you had not played for us yesterday, that perhaps you would play for us tonight?" Ororo gestured to the piano where Peter had set it down.

Maggie swallowed the hurt feelings and smiled brightly at Storm.

"Sure, not a problem," Maggie found a bright smile and took her seat.

Maggie drifted her fingers over the keys boards landing lightly here and there. Her thoughts turned inward as she found the opening keys for a song that seemed to fit her current mood.

Jean glanced at Professor Xavier to see if he had noticed the emotions that seemed to flow from Maggie as she opened her mouth to sing.


  If I'm not in love with you

  What is this that I am going through, tonight

  And if this heart is lying then

  What should I believe in

Why do I go crazy

  Every time that I think about you baby

  Why else do I want you like I do

  If I 'm not in love with you

  And if I don't need your touch

  Why do I miss you so much, tonight

  If it's not just infatuation

  Why is my heart aching

  To hold you forever

  Give a part of me that I thought that I'd never

  Give again to someone that I could lose

  If I'm not in love with you

  Oh why in every fantasy

  Do I feel your arms embracing me

  Like lovers lost in sweet desire

  And why in dreams do I surrender

  Like a little baby

  Someone explain this feeling

  Someone tell me

  If I'm not in love with you

   What's this that I am going through, tonight

And if this heart is lying then

  What should I believe in

  Why do I go crazy

  Every time I think about you baby

  Why else do I want you like I do

  If I'm not in love with you

(Song by Faith Hill off her: Breath CD)

As the last mournful note died away there was a silence that fell over the crowd of X-men. Jean was left reeling from the depth and the strength of raw emotions that she was getting from Maggie.

Maggie drew in a shuddering breath as the last cords drifted away on the night air. She took a deep breath and looked up as she did her gaze locked with Remy. She knew that her emotions were written on her face.

Remy was shocked what he found in her eyes, even at this distance. There was a battle that she was fighting and it looked like she was losing. Maggie bolted from the piano.