Mutant High: Chapters 7-end

by Crescent Dreamweaver

A 10th Kingdom/X-Men: Evolution crossover

Disclaimer: I don't own X-Men: Evolution, the 10th Kingdom, blah blah blah, etc., etc. I don't even own the rights to Wolf and Virginia's daughter, because NBC and Hallmark Entertainment were the ones who decided to make Virginia preggers. X-Men: Evolution belongs to Marvel and Kids WB, and the 10th Kingdom belongs to NBC and Hallmark Entertainment. I do, however, own the rights to Darla Carlyle and Chloe Winters, but they don't appear in these final chapters because they are total bitches. Well, they get mentioned at one point, but I don't count that. Anyhoo, I made no profit from this, because I wrote it purely for my enjoyment and the enjoyment of others.

Synopsis: Crescent wakes up and finds herself in a strange place, and when she comes face to face with her classmate Kurt Wagner, she discovers what he really looks like. She refuses to trust him because she's really pissed that he lied to her, and leaves, only to have the Troll King's children attack her. Wolverine and Storm try to help her, but they each get hit with a dose of troll dust. Crescent tries to escape, but they knock her out with troll dust a couple of minutes later. But before they can take her back to the 3rd kingdom, Kurt comes to her rescue, and catches her before she hits the floor. (Hmm...I'm getting a major sense of deja vu here.) The Troll King's children take one look at him and turn tail and run away as fast as their smelly, disgusting, leather-clad legs can take them, screaming that a demon's going to eat them. ::grins evilly:: Because he saved her life, Crescent decides that she trusts Kurt, and learns to accept what Kurt looks like, but she doesn't tell him what she really is. That'll come in the sequel. (Which I've barely started working on.)

Note: I made a mistake in the first six parts. I said that Spyke's last name was Monroe, which I thought was obvious, seeing as his aunt's last name is Monroe. Well, I wrote the first six parts before I saw the fifth episode, "Speed and Spyke". Well, it turns out I was wrong; Spyke's last name is Daniels. Just thought I'd clear that up so you readers out there wouldn't be confused.

Italics= indicates emphasized words, words spoken in German (which won't be many, I can tell you that right now, because the only German words I know are from the tv show, and I mostly guess on what the heck they mean), what a person is thinking, and when a person has a flashback Bold italics= indicates telepathic communication (but there isn't any in these chapters, dunno why I'm even bothering to write this)

I give this a PG-13 because of the language, but it's nothing kids these days haven't heard.

Let the story begin!

Chapter seven

Crescent opened her eyes and sat up, groaning. Where was she? Upon further inspection, she found she was in a chair, with a blanket draped over her. She shook her head slightly, trying to clear away some of the fog clouding her mind. The last thing she remembered after crawling through that ventilation shaft was coming face-to-face with a blue furry demonic-looking thing, but what else had happened? Crescent closed her eyes, trying to remember.

Crescent crawled through the ventilation shaft, her wolfie ears pricked, listening for any suspicious sounds. She'd have tried to use her wolfie sense of smell, but the dust in the ventilation shaft made it nearly impossible. Finally, she saw a light at the end of the of the ventilation shaft, and when she reached it, she pushed open the grating and crawled, or rather, fell out.

Suddenly, she heard a BAMF come from behind her, followed by someone shouting "Boo!" She spun around. The only thing she saw there was a dark shape, with yellow eyes, and it was coming towards her. She did what anyone under the same circumstances would do. She fainted, but before she could hit the ground, she felt someone catch her, and lower her to the ground.

Crescent opened her eyes, and they flashed yellow for an instant before becoming their normal silvery green again. She let loose with several violent curses before calming back down. She had to find a way out of here. Suddenly, she realized she wasn't alone in the room. Sitting a couple of feet away was the blue demonic-looking creature. He wore a red and black uniform, and had a long blue pointed tail coming out of the back that was twitching back and forth, rather like a cat's tail.

"Guten abend, Crescent," he said, smiling at her. Crescent just stared at him, her face emotionless and unmoving. His smile faded slightly, and he began to look nervous.

"How the hell do you know my name?" she demanded, but before he could reply, she sniffed the air slightly. There was a familiar scent in the air, and it seemed to be coming from the person in front of her. Suddenly, it hit her. She recognized what the scent was, or rather, who it was.

Kurt Wagner. The boy from her first period class who'd helped her get her book back from Darla. She backed away from him, shaking her head slightly.

"No," she muttered. "No, it can't be. It can't be." She peered at him, and saw the familiar look in his yellow eyes, which earlier had been dark blue. "Oh my god, it is. Kurt?" He nodded unhappily, and indicated to himself.

"This is the real me," he replied. Crescent's eyes filled with tears, and she ran full-tilt towards the door. There was a BAMF in front of her, creating a yellowish cloud of smoke and a smell of rotten eggs which for an ordinary person would be a bit unpleasant, but for a wolfie like Crescent, it would be pure hell, because of her enhanced senses. "Crescent, listen to me for a minute. I'm not going to hurt you," he said desperately. But she just gazed at him, her eyes like chips of ice, and her lips thinning. "Crescent, I'm sorry you found out like this, I really am, but-"

"That doesn't change the fact that you lied to me," she said angrily. "I thought you were my friend." Kurt flinched, and he turned, teleporting away. She didn't stop to think about why he did that; instead, she just ran out the door of the room, looking for the front door so she could get the hell out of there. Suddenly, she crashed into a guy coming down the hallway. He had black hair, brown eyes, and wore an orange and brown uniform with a hood, but the hood was pulled down. He stared down at her, and Crescent gulped. "Um, hello," she said, smiling nervously, getting to her feet. A moment later, six sharp claws popped out of the back of his hands with a SNIKT. Crescent jumped back with a yell, flattening herself against the wall, and praying that he wouldn't turn her into shishka-wolfie.

"Wolverine," said a lady who was coming up behind him. She was African-American, with dark skin, blue eyes, and white hair. She was also wearing a uniform, but hers was dark purple with a bit of white around the edges, and she wore a cape that was pinned with an X at the top.

"What, Storm?" he asked in an annoyed-sounding voice. Storm, huh? Crescent thought. An appropiate name for a lady who smells slightly like the air during a thunderstorm. Wonder if that's how she got her name? Even though I've got wolf's blood running through my veins, I can barely catch a scent of it; and if that guy is constantly living up to his name, then I just know he wouldn't be able to catch even the slightest trace of that scent. She turned her attention back to Storm and Wolverine.

Storm gave Wolverine a scathing Look. "The child has had a rough enough night as it is, what with Nightcrawler accidently scaring her-" Crescent had had enough. She wanted to go home and get some sleep; real sleep, not just sleep caused by fainting. And besides, she hated it when people talked about her as though she wasn't there.

"Ma'am, if you don't mind," Crescent interrupted, "I'd just like to get home if I can. Judging by how late it is, I know my parents must be worried sick about me." The lady turned to gaze at her, and Crescent was struck by how wise and kind her eyes were. Like Snow White's eyes were whenever she appeared to her in a dream.

"Of course, child," she replied, and Crescent bristled slightly at being called "child", but she didn't say anything. Instead, she headed to the front door, opened it, and screamed shrilly. The Troll King's children were on the front porch.

"Hello there, little half-breed," said Burly in a nasty-sounding voice, and before Crescent could do anything, he grabbed her and started to drag her outside.

Suddenly, from behind Crescent, a voice growled, "Let the girl go, bub." Burly just pulled out a handful of troll dust and flung it in Wolverine's face before he could dodge it. He collapsed, and his claws retracted. Then he flung a handful of troll dust at the white-haired lady, Storm. She dodged the first dose, but Blabberwort and Bluebell each flung a couple of handfuls. The lady moved to the side to avoid two of them, and succeded, but the other two hit her in the shoulder, and she fell.

Crescent started kicking and flailing around. "Somebody help me!" she screamed shrilly, and Blabberwort backhanded her across the face.

"Shut up, half-breed!" she snarled, and pulled out a leather-cutting knife. But Crescent ignored her, knowing her life was at stake.

"HEEEELP!" Crescent screamed at the top of her lungs. Her shriek was incredibly high-pitched and extremely shrill, and it caused the Troll King's children to jerk away, shaking their heads slightly. Blabberwort's grip on her loosened, and she broke away, running towards the staircase. She ran up the stairs and darted around the corner. A moment later, she flattened herself against the wall, breathing heavily, and peeked around the side. She saw the trolls coming up the stairs, and she pulled back, her heart pounding with terror. Suddenly, she caught a faint whiff of a familiar scent; a scent that she never thought she'd be so happy to smell.

It was Kurt. And he was nearby.

She turned around to head to the room that his scent was coming from, and found herself facing the Troll King's children. She screamed, and Burly flung a handful of troll dust at her. Crescent's wolfie instincts (and speed) kicked in, and she ducked, barely avoiding being hit by the pink glittery powder, and it hit the wall behind her. She got up from her place on the floor, and tried to take off down the hall, but before she could get very far, she felt the troll dust hit her from behind, and she collapsed to the floor. But right before she hit the floor, she heard a wonderfully familiar BAMF, and a powerful smell of rotten eggs (which was familiar, but not wonderfully so) a couple of feet away, and a pair of strong arms held her, lowering her to the floor. Then she blacked out completely.

* * *

Chapter eight

Kurt teleported to his room, flopped face-down on his bed, and sighed. He wasn't surprised that Crescent was afraid of him, and she was right; he'd lied to her. But if she had listened to him, he would've explained to her exactly why he'd lied to her. But Crescent refused to listen. She didn't trust him anymore, and she probably wouldn't ever want to see him again. Suddenly, Kurt heard a shrill scream from downstairs. He sat up immediately.

Crescent?! he thought frantically. A moment later, he relaxed. She's probably just had her first encounter with Wolverine, he thought, chuckling slightly. But a moment later, he heard her scream "Somebody help me!", and Kurt jumped to his feet. Now, I know that wouldn't happen if she encountered Wolverine for the first time, he thought worriedly. Wolverine may be a bit rough, but he wouldn't scare her like that. Especially not if Storm's around. Kurt swallowed. Why do I get the feeling that something's wrong?

"HEEEELP!" he heard Crescent scream, and a moment later, he heard footsteps pounding up the stairs. Well, that answers that particular question. Suddenly, he heard Crescent scream in the hallway, and Kurt teleported with a BAMF out into the hallway, just in time to catch her before she could hit the floor. He lowered her to the floor, and glowered at her attackers, his tail whipping back and forth. The three creatures that had attacked Crescent were incredibly ugly, and also incredibly smelly. They looked vaguely humanish, and yet, they didn't look human at all. The tallest one had pale skin, a huge hooked nose, and filthy black hair. The second tallest was female, but she was very dark-skinned, a nose shaped like a potato, and bright orange hair with a bit of it pulled into a poodle-type ponytail on the top of her head. The third one was also very dark-skinned, but he had black hair too, and was several inches shorter than the other two. The three of them all wore leather clothing, lots of metal, they wore leather boots which, despite the appearances of their owners, were obviously well taken care of, and at the moment, they were staring at Kurt with something like fear in their eyes.

The short one leaned towards the others and said, in a fearful voice, "What is that?" The other two looked at him like he was stupid.

"Don't be such an idiot, Bluebell," the tallest one said disgustedly. "It's a demon." The female looked at Kurt nervously, and then looked at the others.

"Burly, should we try to destroy it?" she asked, looking at the tallest one.

"I don't know," Burly said. "Demons are supposed to be invincible, and we don't have any weapons that we can use against a demon, Blabberwort." Kurt raised one eyebrow slightly. Burly, Blabberwort, and Bluebell? I thought some parents were bad when it came to naming their kids, but this takes the cake. Suddenly, the three of them started talking again.

"-and maybe, if we take it by surprise, then we can destroy it," said Burly, waving an axe in the air. "And then we'll take the witch's daughter back to the 3rd kingdom, throw her into the dungeon, and tell the 4th kingdom that we have Crescent Greyson, daughter of Wolf and the witch Virginia Greyson, as our prisoner, and unless they hand over the witch who murdered Dad-" The other two people snuffled, obviously close to tears. "-we'll kill the witch's daughter, and then go after the witch ourselves. We'll do it for the Troll Nation's honor, and we'll do it for Dad." Was? Trolls? A Troll Nation? Well, it makes a bit more sense now, Kurt thought. I think. Suddenly, he remembered what Burly had said about taking Crescent to the 3rd kingdom, wherever that was. I've got to protect Crescent! he thought. He normally didn't like being called a demon, but he could use their fear of him to his advantage.

"Not on your life, freunds," Kurt snarled, and then leapt at them, baring his fang-like canines.

The trolls took one look at him coming towards them, and they started yelling in terror. They tore downstairs, screaming, "The demon's coming to get us! It's going to eat us alive!"

Kurt 'ported with a BAMF to the front porch, and when the trolls reached the front door, they yanked it open, and saw that he was standing there. "Booga booga booga!" he shouted. They screeched in terror, shoved past him, and ran out the gate, which was bent and broken, the doors of the gate shoved to either side from the trolls earlier entry. Kurt stood at the front door, laughing so hard that he nearly fell over.

Suddenly, there was a groan from behind him. Kurt stopped laughing and turned around. He saw Logan, also known as Wolverine, getting up from the floor. There was some pink glittery stuff on his clothes. Kurt walked over to him.

"Are you all right, herr Logan?" he asked softly. Wolverine shook his head slightly.

"I feel like I've been hit over the head with a sledgehammer half a dozen times," he replied groggily. He looked over at Ororo Monroe, also known as Storm, who was stirring slightly. "What the hell happened? The last thing I remember was that dark-haired girl ya accidently scared going to the front door to leave so she could go home 'cause she thought her parents would probably be worried about her, and when she opened the front door, she screamed 'cause of three people that were standing out there. One of 'em threw something at me, and it hit me in the face. Next thing I know, I'm flat on my back on the floor, and my healing factor was kicking in. I don't suppose you saw them, did ya, elf?"

"Ja," he replied. "They were going to kidnap Crescent, but I chased them off, and I doubt they'll be back." Suddenly, he remembered that Crescent was unconscious and lying in the middle of the hallway upstairs. "I'll be right back," he said. "I just remembered that I left Crescent upstairs in the middle of the hallway." He 'ported away with a BAMF, leaving Wolverine behind, coughing from the smell of rotten eggs. A moment later, he stood beside Crescent and then bent over, easily lifting her up. He leaned her up against the wall, and gently brushed several strands of jet-black hair out of her face. Several seconds later, her eyes fluttered open, and he was startled by the color of her eyes. He hadn't paid attention to them before, and wondered how he could have missed noticing them. They were a silvery green, which contrasted beautifully with her dark hair and slightly tanned skin.

She blinked a couple of times, and then asked quietly, "Are the trolls gone?" He nodded, and Crescent burst into tears. A couple of moments later, when her tears began subsiding, Kurt finally spoke.

"Are you all right, Crescent?" Kurt asked hesitantly. Crescent nodded, drying her tears.

"Yeah, I'm fine," she replied. "Thanks for saving me from the trolls. And I'm sorry I was a complete bitch earlier. I shouldn't have reacted like that. Believe me, I'm not normally like that. I was just in shock." Suddenly, something seemed to occur to her. "Hey, Kurt, how the hell did you manage to get rid of the trolls?" Crescent asked curiously.

"I chased them off," he said noncommitingly. Crescent cocked her head to one side, giving Kurt a withering Look.

"First of all, Kurt, how the hell were you able to chase off three trolls?" she said. "Trolls can't be chased off by a teenager, especially when they have the advantage of several weapons and troll dust."

"Because they thought I was a demon," he replied. "I used that to my advantage." He shot her a rakish grin. "Last I saw them, they were running out the front gate of the mansion, screaming that the demon was coming after them and was going to eat them alive." Crescent stared at him for a moment, and then started laughing.

Suddenly, Kitty Pryde, also known as Shadowcat, stuck her head through her bedroom door, looking extremely pissed off. "Would you guys, like, keep it down?" she said angrily. "It's the middle of the night, and some people are actually trying to get some sleep." Kurt snorted.

"Kitty, tomorrow's Saturday," he pointed out. "You'll be able to sleep in." Kitty just made a disgusted sound, and, glowering at him, she pulled her head back through the doorway. Crescent stared after her, and then turned to look at Kurt, one eyebrow raised slightly.

"Now I've seen everything."

* * *

Chapter nine

Virginia and Wolf were in the living room of their house, both of them worried sick about Crescent. Virginia held a cup of coffee in both hands, but hadn't touched it. And Wolf kept pacing back and forth across the carpet, stopping every moment or so to stare intently at the door. Suddenly, there was a BAMF outside, and a moment later, the front door opened, and Crescent walked inside. She was accompanied by a boy. Virginia jumped up from where she was sitting on the couch, and ran over to Crescent, hugging her fiercely.

"Where have you been?" she demanded. "Your father and I were so worried about you." Crescent hugged her mother back just as fiercely.

"It was the Troll King's children, Mom," she whispered. "They tried to kidnap me, and if it hadn't been for Kurt, they would've succeded." Virginia stared at her daughter in horror. Then she looked over at the boy that was standing in the doorway, looking a little uncomfortable. He was a year or so older than Crescent, with black hair and dark blue eyes. Suddenly, Virginia realized who he was. It was the boy that Crescent had described that afternoon. So that's the boy who rescued Crescent's book from the two girls earlier! She was right, she thought to herself. He is good-looking! She pulled away from Crescent.

"So you're the young man Crescent told me about this afternoon," Virginia stated. "The one who rescued her book from those two girls, Darla and Chloe." Kurt nodded. "And now I'd say you're definitely her hero, having rescued her from the trolls. Thank you so much, Kurt."

Crescent hesitated. Should she tell her parents about what Kurt really looked like? She grabbed Kurt by the collar and pulled him backwards.

"Kurt, do you think we should tell them about what you really look like?" she whispered. "Because I think it would be better for them to find out now instead of later." He nodded in agreement.

"Ja, it would probably be for the best," he whispered back. He spoke calmly, but he was radiating a great deal of fear. Crescent walked over to her parents.

"Mom, Dad, there's something you should know about Kurt," she said. She swallowed. "He's not exactly what you might call 'normal-looking'." Wolf and Virginia looked confused.

"Crescent, he looks perfectly normal to us," Virginia replied. Crescent sighed.

"Well, he's not," she said. "Kurt, show 'em." Kurt gulped, but pressed a button on his watch, and an instant later, the holographic image disappeared. In its place stood a young man covered in short blue fur, with indigo hair, yellow eyes, three fingers on each hand, two toes on each foot, and a long blue pointed tail that twitched back and forth. But Virginia and Wolf didn't even flinch. They eyed Kurt, but they didn't faint, or scream, or anything like that.

Virginia was the first to speak. "How long have you looked like that?" she said quietly. Kurt swallowed.

"I was born this way," he said unhappily. Crescent looked at him in horror as she was hit with realization. Oh my god, no wonder he was so upset earlier. If I'd known...Huff puff, Kurt, you should have told me! A moment later, Crescent spoke up.

"Don't worry, Kurt," she said firmly. "I know that you have a safe haven at that mansion, but if you ever need another safe place to stay, you'll always be welcome here. And your friends, too." Kurt met her gaze, and smiled.

"Danke, Crescent," he replied. "The same goes to you. If you ever need a place to hide from those trolls, you'll always be welcome at the mansion." They grinned at each other. A moment later, Kurt headed to the door. "I'd better be getting back to the mansion," he said. "The others must be worried about me." With that, he teleported away with a BAMF. Crescent and her dad nearly gagged because of the smell of rotten eggs that was created by Kurt's teleporting, and her mother crinkled her nose, waving away the yellowish smoke.

Crescent took a deep breath and released it slowly. "Okay, I admit it, that's one of the downsides of that particular power, but it's still damned useful, especially when dealing with trolls. Really easy way to escape them." Virginia and Wolf agreed, and Crescent went upstairs, got undressed, pulled on a pair of sweatpants and a tank top, tucking her tail in her pants, and climbed in bed. Just as she was closing her eyes, she remembered Princess.

"Oh, cripes!" she yelled. "I left Princess at the mansion!" She jumped out of bed and started to get dressed, when suddenly, there was a BAMF outside her window. She looked outside, and saw Kurt standing in the tree outside her window. He was holding Princess in both arms, and was balancing himself on the branch using his tail. Crescent opened the window, and Kurt teleported inside, dropping Princess onto the floor.

"Crescent, you really need to keep an eye on your pet," he said. Crescent didn't hear him; she was too busy petting Princess. Kurt sighed. Then he dropped into a crouch beside Princess and stroked the top of her head. Crescent looked over at him and smiled.

"Thank you for bringing Princess back," she said. Kurt smiled back at her.

"No problem," he replied. "Anyway, I have to be going. I'll see you tomorrow." He jumped up on the window frame, and teleported away.

Crescent smiled again. "See you tomorrow, Kurt," she said softly, and went to bed.

the end

* * *

A/N: Sorry it took me so long to finish this story, but my life's been pretty hectic lately, what with five cats that all demand my attention, and one of them, Misty, just had four kittens, so now I have nine cats. Anyhoo...I've said it before, and I'll say it again; please don't flame me, or I'll have to kick your arses from here to Xanth. Oh, and if you want to email me, you'll have to send the email to my mother at [email protected] and have her forward it to me, because my father made it so that only family members can email me. That kinda pisses me off, but at least it keeps out pornographic offers and stuff.