Unbreak My Heart

by Dyce

Disclaimer: The characters mentioned in this story are not mine, but the story itself is. <*g*> And yes, I know, I have a mania for fixing Marvel's mistakes, okay? Deal.

Jono plucked a buzzing, angry note from his guitar. Then a high-pitched whine that knifed through head and heart like the snotty, whiney voice it resembled. Tristan. Rat boy. Asshole. He snarled as well as he could, going back to the harsh, vibrating dissonance that was himself, seen through the strings.

He was tucked away in his basement, with the lights off and his electric guitar cradled gently in his big, calloused hands, but he wasn't angsting. No, he wasn't. He was *angry*. She'd deserted him for a whining, self-obsessed, blackmailing little *wanker*, whose only family had murdered Jubilee's parents, and all she could do was witter on about how 'sweet' and 'sensitive' he was. Bitch. Traitor. Selfish little cow who didn't care about how it made everyone feel, how it made *him* feel, just how it validated her little ego-trips...


And somehow it still hurt, and he was angry because it hurt.

Even Angelo would have been better than this. He'd always liked her, always wanted her... but he wouldn't have done anything while she and Jono were together. He'd have waited decently for them to seperate, then made his own bid. And it wouldn't have been as bad, in a weird way, because no matter how much it hurt to lose her, Angelo was a good man. A decent one. He deserved to have someone. Jono would have known he really cared for her, could have let himself believe that she cared for him. Losing her to something that had meaning would be better than losing to to something that wasn't, couldn't be, anything more than a grab for power and ego and prestige.


He wanted to hate her.

Despair reached for him, a dank, cold mist reaching to twine chilly fingers around his soul, but he wouldn't give in to it this time. No, there was no despair in this. Hate and pain and anger, yes, but no despair. This wasn't him. If she'd rejected him for love of someone else, yes, that might have broken him after all, finally and irrevocably, but she hadn't. She'd rejected him for anger, for spite, for the chance to sieze at the wealth and power she'd secretly dreamed of, and that didn't have the power to destroy him. She'd cheapened and tarnished herself, and only herself, by her actions, and his tiny, bitterly defended core of confidence in himself was left untouched.

Maybe he should thank her for that.

Despair reached for him again, and he batted it away impatiently. He wasn't - for once - in the mood. Yet somehow it continued to press on him, and he frowned. It was unusually persistent tonight. Resistant to his resistance. Almost as if... yes. An outside source. Not even directed at him, just overflowing from someone so lost in misery that they probably didn't even realise they were broadcasting.

A familiar someone.

With a sigh, Jono put down his guitar, and went looking for the source. Usually he wouldn't bother, relying on Emma to deal with any problems, but the usually bouncy, bubblegum-flavoured thought patterns were unsettled enough tonight that he thought he should just, oh, check her vicinity for sharp objects and high windows. Not that that was at all likely, but broken hearts could make people do strange things.

He found her sitting curled against the base of a large tree, tears trickling down her face and a bottle of whiskey lying on the grass beside her. He poked it with a toe. An *unopened* bottle. Well, that was something.

"Didn't seem to be much point," Jubilee said dully, not bothering to look up. "'s just... atmosphere, I guess. Maybe I'll throw it at something later."

The worry receded slightly, and he squatted beside her, not too close. <*Wanna talk about it?*>

She shrugged, looking at him with damp, reddened blue eyes. "Why not? 's not like there's anyone in the world who doesn't know. Well, except Ev." She laughed hollowly. "And sometimes I think he's just pretending not to know so he won't have to hurt my feelings."

Oh dear. This. <*Nah. He really doesn't have a clue.*>

Jubilee laughed humourlessly. "Dunno if that makes me feel better or worse." She thought it over. "Probably worse. He really hasn't even noticed."

Jono shrugged, arms dangling between his knees as he balanced effortlessly on the balls of his feet. <*Yeah, well, if it helps, he never *does* notice. Not unless y' do what Gaia and Monet did and beat 'im around the head with yer tongue...*> That got a weak little giggle, and the corners of his eyes crinkled a bit. <*Same problem f'r both of us, 'en. The opposition's too damn free with their spit.*>

"Yeah," she agreed sadly. "'course, even if I tried that, he doesn't *want* my spit."

<*Don't be silly,*> Jono admonished without really thinking about it. <*Yer a doll. 'E'd have to be either dead or gay t' not want your spit.*> He played that statement over in his head, and crinkled a bit more. <*Christ, that sounded stupid...*>

She giggled again, a bit more wholeheartedly this time. "Yeah, it did, but thanks anyway." She reached out to pat his hand gently. "Paige's a moron, anyway."

<*No argument 'ere,*> he said, rather bitterly. <*Startin' to wonder what I ever saw in the backstabbin' little weasel.*>

Jubilee laughed outright at that, some of the frozen pain melting away from her small face. "I hear ya. Well, you don't have a mouth and I'm too young for the real thing, but..." she picked up the still sealed bottle, and poured two imaginary drinks. Solemnly, she handed one nonexistent glass to him and raised the other. "To moving on."

<*T' moving on.*> Jono downed his pretend drink with equal solemnity. In a funny way, it actually helped, in a way real alcohol wouldn't have. The bald honesty of the toast and the momentary cameraderie between the two of them unkinked the aching knot inside him, just a bit.

Jubilee discarded her imaginary glass and sighed, hugging her knees. "Yeah, well, forget him. Ev? Ev who? Oh, yeah, that bald guy I don't remember and never really liked anyway." She brightened a tiny bit. "Hey, you doing anything tomorrow?"

He shook his head. <*Social calendar's wide open for about... lesse, go senile, get smothered by a nurse with me own pillow... for another fifty years or so. Why?*>

She grinned at him, some of the twinkle back in her eyes. "Let's take Angelo and go trawling for babes."

That got her a surprised little chuckle. <*Back on the horse, eh?*>

"Horse, schmorse. I like *guys*, thanks. YOU can have a horse if you want one."

Jono sniggered. <*Wouldn't object to a riding crop or two, but I tend to go for the two-leggers meself.*>

"Sicko." She batted his shoulder, then winked broadly. "Me too."

Heaven only knew how, but he managed to produce a muffled choking noise. <*Oh no you don't! Yer much too young!*>

"So?" She poked him, looking a bit offended. "I'm old enough to have..." she grinned wickedly, "preferences."

<*No you're not!*> Jono denied instinctively. Then his brain caught up. <*Well, okay, you are, but not THAT kind!*>

"Says who?" she challenged.

<*Uhm... me?*>

"Bzzt. No good!" she said cheerfully. "Riding crop for me!"

His eyes narrowed. <*Yer bluffing.*>

"Am not!" Jubilee stuck her tongue out at him.

<*Are too!*>

"Am not!"

<*Oh yeah? Prove iiiiiiiioh no I didn't say that-*>

She cackled gleefully. "Oh yes you did! You can't stop me now!"

<*I bloody can! And I will!*> He was on firmer ground now. <*Yer not going off with ANYONE I 'aven't checked out first!*>

"Says who?"

<*Says me!*> It sounded a lot more confident this time. <*Anyway, you wouldn't.*>

Her eyes narrowed in turn. "Wouldn't I?" she asked in an ominous tone.

<*No,*> he comforted himself. <*I can't see yer just... seducing some guy at random. Actually, I can't see yer seducin'-*>

"Oh, *really*?" Jubilee demanded, eyes snapping. "Well, you will! Bet I could even get a reaction out of *you*."

The surprised look was only digging him in deeper, but he couldn't help it. <*Bet yer couldn't,*> he said without thinking.

"You're on!"

He blinked. <*Wha... *OH* no! No you don't!*>

She took his hand, folding it gently in hers. Hers were very small, he noticed helplessly, but not soft. She had the rough, hard spots across her palms of someone who's spent a lot of time smacking them into bars and beam. "You're just asking for it," she said silkily. Such a soft, murmuring voice...

Jono wished he could still gulp. <*No I'm not,*> he said weakly.

"Yes you are..." she condradicted gently, rubbing one tiny thumb lightly over his palm.

Well, at least she wasn't throwing him down on the ground and ravishing him on the spot...(a sneaky part of his mind suggested that it'd been far too long since he'd had a good ravishing, but he ignored it). Still, he sat down carefully, just in case. <*Not.*>

"Are." Slender fingertips wandered over his palm, and he shivered ever so slightly. That intent look on her little face was kind of distracting.

<*Not.*> He didn't in any way try to remove his hand from hers, despite the fact that that kind of undermined his whole argument. <*Jubilee, when a guy says no, that's what he... uh... means.*>

She pouted, slowly sliding her hands down, over his wrist and along his arm. "You insulted me."

<*Sorry,*> he managed. Those little hands were awfully...uh... warm. Yeah. It was her hands. Had to be.

"Really?" she asked, sliding her hands back up his arm to clasp his hand. Slowly, she raised it and kissed the very tip of his finger gently.

<*I'm not sure. For what?*> he asked hazily. <*That's nice...*>

She nibbled lightly on the finger, eyes closing slightly. "Mm..."

Jono whimpered a little, his other hand somehow finding its way up to cup her rounded cheek gently. <*I think I should be putting up a fight, but I don't want to...*>

Jubilee rubbed her cheek against his hand, moving on to the next finger. "I hope you don't," she murmured softly. "'Cause I'm kinda liking this too..."

At that, he worked up the strength to take his fingers back, cupping her small face in both hands. <*Jubilee.... really?*>

She lifted her eyes to his, soft surprise replacing pained loss. "I... yeah, actually."

His deep brown eyes searched her face. <*Me too. *>

She shifted a little, nestling her cheek into his palm. "I like you," she whispered.

<*I like you too,*> he said softly. <*Like is good.*>

"You're right. Like is good," she agreed softly. "I can work with like."

<*So can I,*> he agreed slowly, stroking her temples with his thumbs. <*I like like. I can do like.*>

She nodded slowly. "There's nothing... scary... about like. Nothing bad. Just.... like."

<*Yeah.*> He wished he could take a deep breath.

Shyly, she turned her head to brush her lips over his palm. "Yeah..."

He closed his eyes and rested his forehead against hers. <*This... is nice.*> he murmured wonderingly. <*I like this.*>

"Me too." She sighed softly, her small hands sliding up to cup his jaw lightly.

They sat like that for a long time.

Eventually, Jono managed to drag himself out of the warm haze. <*We're gonna get in trouble if we get found out here,*> he said reluctantly. <*And you should be sleeping. You have class tomorrow.*>

"Yeah... she said softly, not moving.

He let his thumbs wander over the soft contours of her face. <*I... guess we'll see each other tomorrow...*>

She nodded, reluctantly easing away from his touch. "Tomorrow works for me."

Jono thought about talking. He assembled a sentence in his head. He inspected it, tried it out in his head a couple of times, and then sent it out to make its way in the world. <*Want to... uhm... do something? Tomorrow?*> Damn! Too tentative!

Jubilee looked at him. Sitting on the grass that way they were eye to eye, and he got the full benefit of the sparkling smile that slid across her face and settled there. "Jono, are you asking me out on a date?"

<*Uh... yeah?*> Only if that's good and you like it...

The smile deepened, brightening her eyes. "That sounds... fun. Let's do that."

<*Yeah...*> His eyes crinkled at the corners. A date. An ordinary, run-of-the-mill, real date. What a concept!

"So... tomorrow." She smiled one more time, and they sort of shuffled awkwardly to their feet. Their hands ended up clasping each other, and that was very nice too.

<*Yeah. Tomorrow.*> Thank god he didn't have a face. He could feel the goofy smile hovering around him, balked.

Somehow they managed to get off to their seperate rooms, to daydream and wonder and think and generally not sleep at all.

The unopened bottle was left all alone and forgotten, with only two imaginary glasses for company.

The End